every artist needs a muse [2]

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Brown leaves scatter over stone and ground. Barren trees stand tall above where they've shed their adornments, but even they seem sad and droopy.

Peter sighs, lowers his camera. It's ironic how inspired fall makes him feel while the season that follows kills it immediately.

The least Peter can do is look for new faces to photograph. Then maybe today wouldn't have been a total waste.

With a few ounces of newfound encouragement, Peter lifts the camera to eye level again. He zooms in, letting the lens focus on one person at a time. Peter moves from figure to figure, none quite catching his eye. He blames the early hour, blames himself more; his desire to get a head start on the day has backfired tremendously.

Peter is about to lower his camera again when he catches something. His phone dings at that moment but the vaguely familiar side profile he's spotted has caught and reeled his attention; the person he's staring at through his camera eerily resembles the person he's spent a little too much time clicking through photos of.

Peter is sure it's you when your head rises from your phone. He stands immediately, camera dropping, the tug on his neck telling him he was smart enough to remember to hang it on himself first. He's tempted to yell your name when he realizes just how far he'd been looking at you from. Another idea strikes him - he reaches for his phone; sure enough, that notification had been from you.

"ppparker: turn around!!!!"

He's interrupting the conversation you two had been in the middle of, but Peter can apologize in a second. He watches from afar as you take your phone out and stop, turning around from where you stand.

Peter waves furiously, light string of laughter spilling from his lips. You're too far to hear, but you can see his grin and he can see you light up with a smile.

The two of you begin walking to each other, meeting each other in the middle with giddy grins. Your arms are crossed over your coat, your head tilting curiously.

"Are you following me, Peter Parker?"

Peter's heart thumps hearing you say his entire name. He knows it wasn't hard to figure out, considering it was half of his username, but he suspects it's something about you in this equation that's flustering him.

"You know what, I was just about to ask you that," Peter grins.

"You were going to ask me if Peter Parker is following you?" It's a terrible joke, but Peter laughs anyway. Your gaze trails down Peter's figure, land on the camera that once again hangs around his neck. "Get anything good?"

Peter follows your eyes, picking his camera up. In his rush, he'd forgotten to turn it off, didn't even cover the lens. "Nah, not really," he admits, watching as the small screen goes black.

"I don't believe that," you grin.

"Ah, I barely took anything," Peter says, getting his head out of the camera strap. "Nothing really caught my eye until I saw you."

You're not sure how Peter means it; he says it too smoothly, but so genuinely you can't help but take it as a compliment.

Peter's face warms as his words replay in his head as he stores his camera in the bag he'd brought along with him, embarrassment growing with your silence. But when he looks at you again, you're smiling, sending a new wave of confidence through him.

"I, uh, I'm not in a rush today," Peter begins, messing with the strap of his bag nervously. "Are you? Cause we could maybe get coffee? Or something?" Peter's eyes are wide with hope, heart hammering in his chest.

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