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Y/n - she starts making some pancakes for breakfast

Felix - goes near her and helps her

[They both were silent and doesn't knows what to say]

Crystal - wakes up and starts crying

Felix - "I will go to her"

Y/n - "no stay , I will go, you make the pancakes"

Felix - sighs "fine"

Y/n - runs to Crystal and changes her diaper as she carries crystal and starts walking around as crystal slowly stops crying and Y/n cuddles her as Crystal giggles

Crystal - "Hungry!" Pouts

Y/n - smiles and pecks her nose "Okay baby! Let's have breakfast" she comes out of her room

Crystal - looks at Felix and giggles being happy as she opens her little hands indicating that she wanna go to Felix

Felix - giggles and goes to her as he carries her up and pecks all around her face

Crystal - giggles being happy

Y/n - goes towards the kitchen as she starts making the baby food

Felix - talks randomly with crystal

Crystal - replies him back being a talkative girl

Y/n - comes there with a little bowl of baby food and slowly starts feeding crystal

Crystal - eats and keep talking with Felix while eating

Felix - giggles and keep on carring her and talking with her

Y/n - giggles too as soon crystal finish eating as Y/n wipes crystal mouth with some tissues as she goes near the kitchen and starts decorating the pancakes with some strawberries , wipped cream and honey

Felix - goes near Y/n with crystal

Crystal - kicks her legs being excited "stawbrries stawbrries"

Y/n and Felix - laughs hearing her pronunciation

Y/n - "it's strawberry honey"

Crystal - pouts "noooo! Stawbrries!"

Felix - laughs and pecks crystal's cheek

Y/n - makes small pieces of the strawberry and gives Crystal one piece of strawberry while giggling

Crystal - grabs the strawberry and eats it by her both hands being all focused and busy

Felix - laughs "my busy talkative baby"

Y/n - giggles "she is talkative like you" she finish decorating the pancakes

Felix - raise his one eyebrow and smirks "don't you think you are the most talkative?"

Y/n - "no!" She looks at him

Felix - "do you remember our first night after wedding?" He smirks "you were so nervous you were keep talking about stuffs to change the topic, remember?"

Y/n - blushes then looks away "shut up! Don't talk about those things in front of crystal" she takes the plates and serves it on the table

Felix - laughs and sits on a chair near the table as he made crystal sit on his lap as crystal was still busy with that one piece of strawberry

Y/n - sits beside Felix as they both starts eating

Crystal - slowly gets bored with the piece of strawberry as she throws it away

Y/n - "crystal! Don't make a mess"

Crystal - gets down from Felix's lap and walks with her Little feets slowly towards her toy box

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