Love Lust

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(18+ things are in this part! So get lost if you are a kid! I dont want to traumatize your little cute innocent brain... watch the youtube video of this part! As it doesn't have any 18+ stuffs on youtube.. okay anyways rest of you obviously if you can tolerate these stuffs 🫠)

-after few days (at morning)-

Y/n - wakes up and looks at Felix who was sleeping beside her peacefully usually he sleeps late due to work so she didn't disturb him and goes to crystal's room. She opens the door slowly as she doesn't want to wake crystal up as she goes near her bed and saw that crystal is not there. As she gets tensed and starts looking around but suddenly the door gets closed and a gass filled in the room which made Y/n senseless

-after half an hour-

Layla (maid) - runs towards Felix's room and bangs on the door "SIR SIR"

Felix - wakes up being shocked and opens the door "what?" He was all tensed already

Layla - "crystal and Y/n ma'am is not in the mansion"

Felix - "have you checked garden and-" Eric (guard) intrrupts him

Eric - "I think they have got kidnapped.. we have searched everywhere but-" sighs and looks down

Felix - goes near eric and grabs his collar tightly "tf Are you talking about? On what basis you are saying that they are kidnapped?"

Eric - "we- we got some evidence of gass in crystal's room" says nervously

Felix - leaves Eric and runs towards crystal's room as he looks around and finds a hair clip on the ground as he picks it up and whispers "Luna..."

Eric - "lu-luna?"

Felix - looks at Eric "this is luna's hair clip!" Smirks "well.. i think that's enough for an evidence"

Eric - "how are you so sure that it's her hair clip?"

Felix - "cause i have gifted her this on her birthday and it's really expensive and its not made in our country"

Eric - "okay..."

Felix - "so will you track her number? Or should i fire you now?" He yells "WHY SO DELAY!?"

Eric - "sorry sir" he gets nervouse and runs to the control room as he tracks luna's number then send it to Felix

Felix - gets in his car with his guards as the driver starts driving. Soon they reach near luna's location. It's the abandoned park where Y/n use to meet Felix secretly as on that time she use to hide about their relationship to her parents. Felix comes out of the car and looks around in the park as suddenly he hears a gun shoot sound as he hides near the bushes as all his guards comes out from the car and protects him

One of the guard - "what should we do sir?" He asks to Felix

Felix - he takes out his gun "stay here. Don't move" he looks at the point from where the bullet was fired as he keep himself hidden behind his guards

Guard - "bu-but sir" gets nervous

Felix - "pretend that i am between you guys. Now be silent" he stays between them and says a bit loudly "What Luna? Still in love with me?" He doesn't get any response "If you love me so much..why can't you see me happy? I was really happy with my sweet beautiful family"

Luna - says while hiding somewhere a bit loudly "Happy? I will never let you be happy without me! I will kill every reason of your smile if i am not the reason for it!" She says being angry

Felix - "oh really? Try it" he giggles as he starts following luna's voice while hiding behind his guards and the bushes

Luna - "you are really saying that to me? You know it well how stubborn I am! Even you know that i have kidnapped your family all alone! Look at yourself being with so many guards and still can't able to find me... well.. i am giving you choice so be mine or say bye to your family.. choose any one" she doesn't gets any reply as she yells "FELIX REPLY ME!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 31 ⏰

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