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'✯' C H A P T E R  S I X '✯'

(technically from the present moment in the plot which is in the supposed 'past' )

(This is Eli's POV from directly after he sends off yuri to the one piece universe)

AN EXPRESSION ON CONTEMPT made its way to Eli's face as he watched yuri disappear through the portal he just made for her. He wasn't upset or anything, simply annoyed that the higher ups had reduced him to a mere errand boy at the current moment, he had been specifically instructed to place a special item in that universe. He was sure anyone else could do it, he bet that no use of a intern joshua could do it too.

He'd watched the new intern laze around the compound, if given the chance, he would surely deliver some not so very kind remarks to the fellow, because he knew how the higher ups were, always so caught up in their own feuding to give much care to the new interns. He'd be delighted to give them some proper training instead of being stuck with the job he currently was doing, which was, working at the travels department.

It was a hassle, even though not a lot of people passed through this specific department, it was still a headache to deliver the news to some lucky (or not so lucky) people that they would in fact not pass on to the great beyond ( or disappear into the white light in the great beyond) but repeat the cycle again (in a way ). It was more of a pick and choose kinda thing, anyways he really had better matters to attend to, which was dealing with the job that he was just given.

Just the thought of the paperwork that he would have to do once he returned from his mission was enough to send him spiralling, he wasn't even sure what he would say to the higher ups, these kinds of things rarely happened, sure, having powers was fine if it was one or two, but having so much and one of them wasn't even fitting in a definite box was sure to send alarms blaring off in the minds of any employee in the compound, the employee guide book had a detailed chapter on it but he was pretty sure that if he gave those details to yuri she would throw a fit as all of those rules didnt work in her favor.

As he walked back to the part of the clearing where the trees began, he held up his palm, a few clicks of a gear echoed and a glow encompassed his palm, like a mystical scanner. A moment later he retracts his hand away from there and in the next few moments a ripple like glow surrounded the place he was previously standing on, like someone had shrouded the very fabric of space with a luminescent cloth. Then slowly but surely, like someone was pulling back the cloth, the illusion of the trees slipped off and in its place was a building, well technically there were multiple of them.

Basic protocols stated that he wasn't supposed to disclose the true identity or location of the compound to the clients, so like most employees he utilized the ground of shadows which was a pocket realm near the compound, where most of the employees would greet their clients. He wasn't sure how long he'd keep this from yuri, if he was going to train her for an indefinite amount of time. He was sure that him keeping such secrets wouldn't bode well with her.

As he stepped inside the building, the receptionist, clara, who was sitting at the front desk tipped her head towards him in respect. He gave her a polite smile as he clicked the button of the elevator, just then the elevator beside him dinged and a blonde man stepped in, clad in combat wear, daggers strapped at his back. Eli turned his head to the side subtlety " fancy seeing you here, Rogers, didn't you have a mission today? " His voice strained slightly. 

The blonde man 'rogers' furrowed his brows " plans change, Eli. I was called back in, the head quarters detected some anomaly "  he said grimly as eli turned to him "oh why oh why, did the head quarters do this? I'd love to know. " He chuckled for a moment but froze when he saw that rogers was still glowering " no need to glower, mate. These kinds of things will happen a lot now that you are working at the front lines " He patted rogers back comfortingly before he hears his own elevator ding.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11 ⏰

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