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Y/n pov

I'm in my room, playing with my stuffed Teddy happily while mum and dad are dealing with William and Harry. I gradually grew bored and just stared at the toy that I placed in front of me. I lean on my hand as I watch my toy start to float in the air. I blink, and it flops back down.

'The heck... am I seeing things?' I thought

I reach out to it, and it instantly shoots into my hand. I yelp in shock, dropping the toy. I jump off my bed and run out to find either mum, dad, nana, or papa! I kept running dodging maids, security, and butlers.

"Whao, what's the rush princess?" A maid asks
"Where's mother, father, nana and papa?" I ask while stopping in front of her.
"Mmm, your mother and father took the boys out to get more clothes for them. Your nana and papa are in the tea room." she says
"Oh, thank you!" I say

I sprint towards the tea room. I stop in front of the doors and open them to see them drinking tea while talking. I walked towards them, and Papa noticed me.

"(Y/n)? What do you need?" Papa asks

I walk and sit next to nana, who strokes my head softly.

"Nana, papa.... is it normal for items to shoot into your hands?" I ask

This caused them to freeze mid taking a sip. Nana dropped her tea cup, causing it to shatter on the ground.  I yelp in shock, and my foot touches it, and we watch it get fixed up with more tea in it.  We all silently stare at it in shock. I reach out, and it floats to my hand.

"W why is this happening to me?" I ask in fear

Nana takes the cup from me, placing it on the table, and grabs my hands. She faces Papa.

"Love, send a letter to dumbledore." nana says
"Of course." Papa says

I watch him kiss my head before leaving.

"What's happening?" I ask
"(Y/n) dear. Someone is coming to talk and explain everything to you. But what I can tell you is that what you have is magic." nana explains
"Magic?" I say in confusion
"Indeed. You're the first and only person from our family to have this gift." she says

I blink at that and look at my hands quietly.

Charles pov

We returned, and I went to find my daughter. To later see mother and father standing outside the tea room.

"Where's (y/n)?" I ask
"In there. We can't go in." Father says
"What? Why?" I ask
"Son... she has magic." Mother says

She has... oh lord! My eyes widen in shock.

Y/n pov

I silently look up at the elder man, and two women...

"I can tell you're confused, princess " the woman says

I just nod quietly.

"Let's get introductions out of the way. Your Highness, I'm Amelia Bones. This is Professor Mcgonagall and Professor Dumbledore." Amelia says softly
"N nice to meet you..." I say quietly
"Nice to meet you as well, my dear. Is it possible to show us what you can do?" Dumbledore asks

I blink, and a small device appears in my hands. Their eyes widen, and Dumbledore pats his pockets before smiling at me. I reach out and give it back.

"What else can you do?" Mcgonagall asks
"... I can make things float, I also fixed Nana tea cup and filled it with more tea." I say
"Interesting." Amelia says
"Can you tell me what's happening?" I ask
"Of course. What you have is called magic. We have that as well. What you are experiencing is accidental magic. It's common for magical children to have" Dumbledore explained

I blink and look at my hands quietly, then I face them agian.

"But, why am I the only one in my family to have it?" I ask
"You see, there was... a future sight, so to say, stating that only one child from British royal blood will be gifted with mother magic. That child will one day rule the magical community." Dumbledore explains

I blink as I let that sink in.

"So they chose me?" I ask
"Correct." Mcgonagall says
"Every magical child of age 11 will gain a letter to attend a magical school called Hogwarts." Dumbledore says
"Hogwarts..." I mutter
"Indeed, once arriving, you get sorted into 4 different houses, Ravenclaw for wisdom and creativity, Hufflepuff for the kind and hardworking, Gryffindor for the brave and chivalry, and Slytherin for cunning and ambitious. You will be attending several classes to help you enchant your magic. In your 3rd year, you will gain additional classes" Mcgonagall explains
"Will I be able to see my family?" I ask
"Of course! Every summer and Christmas holiday is where we let students go home" Dumbledore says
".... how would we explain to the country, and well... the magical world?" I ask
"Your Nana will figure it out. As for our world. It won't take long for people to find out" Amelia says
"Princess, people outside your family can't know of our world" Dumbledore says
"... is it so they can protect those with magic and those like nana and my brothers? So I have to keep this a secret...." I ask
"Correct." Mcgonagall says softly
"Mmm, okay" I say
"I can give you some books about our world and such to make you prepared for our world" Dumbledore says
"Oh, thank you" I say softly

With that, Dumbledore waves his hand, and the door opens. I get smothered by my father, and I watch Dumbledore, Mcgonagall, and Amelia leave while waving me goodbye. This will be interesting...

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