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Y/n pov

I'm now 11 years old. William is 9, and Harry is 7. We all are currently eating breakfast, I noticed the distrained look that mum is giving dad. I shrug quietly as I eat. Till a maid walks in and gives me a letter. Dad noticed and knew what it was.

"What's that?" Hatry asks

I see the letter has my name, my bedroom and where I live. I turn it to see a wax stamp...

"Hogwarts... wait..." I say

I look at Mum and Dad. Dad looks happy at this while mum just smiles. I open it.

"Dear princess Mountbatten-Windsor,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. We will await your letter of acceptance. School will start on 1st September.

Minerva Mcgonagall
Depty headmaster." I read out

I noticed another piece of paper and see it's school supplies. It also has directions to a place called diagon Alley.

"I'll inform mother of this, and then we can go," dad says

I just nod. We finish breakfast, and I run off to get ready for the day.

Me and Mum arrive in a... pub. We had to leave Harry and William back home. Dad had a meeting to deal with. So yeah. Anyway, Mum and I walk in, and Mum takes me to the barman.

"Ah hell -" He starts

He blinks at us in shock, and his mind clicks. He smiles at us.

"Welcome princess (y/n) and Diana. What can I help you with?" He asks

This caused everyone to look at us.

"Mister, I'm getting my school supplies. Can you help us get into diagon Alley?" I ask

His eyes widen, and smiles widen.

"Of course, follow me," He says

We follow him as mum holds me close to her hip. We watch him pull his wand out and tap the wall in a way. Our eyes widen as we watch the wall shift to reveal a scene from a fairytale book!

"To get money, go to gringots Bank." He says as he points at a tall white building.
"Oh, thank you," Mum says

With that we go, I turn to wave at him and he waves back. I smile, and we walk through the crowd to get to the bank. We walk in quietly. We look around and find a free... GOBLIN! COOL! Mum drags me to it, and the goblin looks up. Its eyes widen, and look over his stand to look at me. I smile sheepishly and waved at it.

"We would like to get some money out for my daughter school supplies. " Mum says
"Mmm, follow me, Your Highness. We need to see what she has to her name." He says

Mum looks at them clearly unsure, but we follow anyway. It takes us to an office and grabs a piece of paper and a dagger.

"We need 3 drops of blood to find out her inheritance," Goblin explained
"...fine" mum sighs out

With that, the Goblin cuts my finger, and I let 3 drops of blood onto the paper. I watch in amazement to see my blood form into words. When done, the goblin looks at it and then gives it to me. Mum looks over to see it as well.

Name: (y/n) Mountbatten-Windsor

Age: 11

D.O.B: 1st February 1980

Father: Charles Mountbatten-Windsor (alive, Squib/muggle)

Mother: Diana Mountbatten-Windsor née Spencer (alive, squib/muggle)

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