Chapter 9: Farewell Angel

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As we huddled in the dimly lit garage, contemplating our next move, Alan proposed a sensible plan. "We can find the map of Crypta Chronis in our geography class, and according to me, Envenom Valley is the closest city to Valora Prime." It's getting darker, so we'll go in the morning," I suggested, trying to factor in the cover of darkness to avoid the attention of the undead.

"I guess we should keep moving. And don't forget how afraid they were of the sound. We saw that when we were running from the canteen. The fire alarm made too much noise, so they were affected. But normal sound will attract them," Ren reminded us, his eyes scanning the surroundings for potential threats.

"Okay, then, let's move with a plan," I suggested, appreciating the wisdom in Ren's observation. The group nodded in agreement. Alan nodded; his expression determined. "Agreed. We need to be strategic about this. First, we need to find a way out of the basement without attracting unwanted attention." Grace chimed in, her voice steady with resolve. "We could use the emergency exit at the far end of the basement. It's less likely to be guarded by zombies, and it leads directly outside."

"That sounds like our best bet," Angel added, her gaze flicking towards the exit door. "But we'll need to be cautious. One wrong move, and we could find ourselves cornered." I suggested, "Once we're outside, we stick to the shadows and move quickly. The less noise we make, the better." Ren nodded in agreement. "Right. And once we're in the clear, we head straight for the secondary building. It's our best shot at finding the geography class."

 With our plan outlined, we ventured into the basement, moving cautiously to avoid attracting the attention of the zombies lurking in the shadows. As we crept along the dimly lit corridors, our senses heightened, each creak of the floorboards sending a shiver down our spines.

Reaching the emergency exit at the far end of the basement, we breathed a sigh of relief as we stepped out into the cool night air. The secondary building loomed before us, its darkened windows a stark reminder of the dangers that lay within. Silently, we made our way across the courtyard, sticking to the shadows to avoid detection. The journey was fraught with tension, every sound magnified in the stillness of the night.

As we approached the entrance to the secondary building, a sense of apprehension washed over us. The building appeared to be teeming with activity, the faint sounds of shuffling and groaning echoing through the halls.

"We'll have to be quick and stealthy," Ren whispered, his voice barely audibles above the distant moans of the undead. Nodding in agreement, we slipped through the entrance and into the building, moving swiftly down the corridors in search of the geography class. But our progress was slow, hindered by the presence of zombies around every corner. As we all started to move towards the staircase, "Aaahhh" we heard a chilling sound—it was Angel, with a zombie gripping her leg. The zombie had its leg missing and was crawling with his hands it pulled Angel's leg behind. She fell forward, trying to kick away the zombie. Ren rushed towards her and stabbed the zombie in the neck, freeing Angel.

"Hurry, guys! The zombies are coming towards us!" Ren's urgency spurred us into action. "The geography class is at the end of the corridor on the second floor. Come on!" he said hurriedly. We ran towards the stairs; the threat of the zombies closes behind us. With each step, the distant clamor of approaching the undead grew louder, driving us forward with a renewed sense of urgency. Reaching the top of the stairs, we burst into the deserted hallway. Without hesitation, we made a beeline for the geography classroom, our footsteps echoing in the corridor.

 Finally, we reached our destination, the door to the geography lab looming before us like a beacon of hope in the darkness. With trembling hands, I pushed open the door, and we stumbled inside, panting for breath but relieved to have reached our goal. In the geography lab, a large blackboard dominated the right side of the room. In front of it, a substantial table held various items—a globe, compass, ruler, pencils, and a collection of geography books and country maps. Rows of chairs and tables for students were arranged in front of this central display, creating a typical classroom setup.

Towards the front of the room, a cupboard and two shelves brimmed with maps and files, promising a wealth of information. Noticing some water bottles nearby, we decided to take a short break to rehydrate and gather our thoughts. Grace and I began searching through the shelves and cupboards, hoping to find the map we needed. Soon, everyone else joined in the search, their eagerness palpable.

Then, with a triumphant cry, Polly announced her discovery. "I found it!" she exclaimed, holding the map aloft. We hurried over to her, eager to examine our newfound treasure. Placing the map on the table, we gathered around, ready to chart our course and take the next step in our mission to save Valora Prime.

As we all gathered around the map, a sudden heaviness filled the room, and I noticed Angel's labored breathing and the trickle of blood from her nose. Panic gripped us as we realized she was turning into one of them. "Why are you guys staring at me?" Angel's voice trembled as she spoke. "I am not one of them, guys. Don't look at me." Her words were desperate, a plea for us to see her as she truly was, not as a threat. We all noticed the bite mark on her leg, a stark reminder of the danger that lurked within our midst. Instinctively, I moved closer to her, wanting to offer comfort in her moment of fear. "I'm not dying, am I?" Angel's voice quivered with fear, her eyes pleading for reassurance, her veins popping out and her bones making twisting and creaking sounds as they contorted.

As we faced the heartbreaking reality of Angel's transformation, I couldn't hold back my emotions any longer. I wrapped my arms around her tightly, tears streaming down my cheeks as I whispered words of comfort. But as I tried to speak, my throat tightened, and the words caught in my throat, choked by the overwhelming grief.

Ren,  stepped forward, his voice firm but gentle. "Stay away from her, Sammy. She's affected. Move away," he said, his eyes fixed on Angel. But I couldn't bear to leave her side. "I won't let you go so soon," I said, my voice trembling. Ren intervened, pulling me away gently, his touch comforting yet firm. "Get out, Angel. You don't want me to force you, right?" he said, his eyes full of concern.

Angel's resolve broke, and tears streamed down her face. "I wish I could live longer. It's all because of that crawling zombie. Damn it, I... just make it home, guys," she said before jumping out of the window. 

                                                                                TO BE CONTINUED


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Catch you in the next chapter!

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