Chapter 12

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Damian would not stop staring at me with looks of curiosity and concern.

"The capax test ceremony? Are you sure, Cassandra? The event is highly guarded and we would all be at a serious risk of exposure."

I take a breath and continue, "Yes, I'm sure. We need our next action to make a statement. We need to let everyone know that we will not be dismissed."

Damian continued to study me for a  few moments. "You seem to have a knack for always surprising me. I like the way you think, it reminds me of myself...except my plans are better thought out."

I roll my eyes.

Damian smirks and continues, "All jokes aside, if we're going to do this we need to plan meticulously. We'll send volunteers above ground to gather as much information about the ceremony as they can. We'll need to know their security measures and how to blend in so that our presence is not initially felt."
I respond, "I agree, but one step at a time. Your plan has us on the right track but it is getting late and we don't want to rush ourselves."

Damian smiles and I understand his smile as an agreement with my plan to fall asleep. I am exhausted and my mind wanders away into a deep sleep the second I lie down on the sleeping cot.
In the morning, I wake up refreshed for the first time in days. As I begin to stretch and yawn, I notice Damian is already busy jotting down notes on a piece of paper. He looks up and smiles at me when he notices that I am awake.

I groan and tease, "Why must you always show off? Can't you take one moment to relax?"

Making his infamous smirk, Damian responds, "If I didn't show off then I'd have no way of impressing you."

I cross my arms and sarcastically glare.

Damian continues, "In all seriousness, I couldn't sleep knowing that so much work needs to be done and I think that I've come up with a solid strategy."
I look for Damian to continue.

"We'll round up our best volunteers and explain to them the task at hand. We will select a small group of those volunteers to go out and investigate the security enhancements the functionaries will be using during the ceremony. Once that small group reports back to us, we will have an idea as to where and when we will enter. When we set off for the ceremony, we will need to leave a small group of volunteers behind to take care of the inhabitants that cannot fight. The rest of us that embark on our journey to the capax test ceremony will need to remain discreet until the time to strike is right."

Damian reaches for my hand and asks, "Are you ready to do this?"

"With you by my side, I feel ready to do anything," I respond.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22 ⏰

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