Chapter 15 - Searching Data

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Jester could feel his fingers become sweatier as he continued to hang onto the edge of the cliffside. Stones dug into his skin, inflicting pain and making his struggle to hang on even worse. He so desperately needed help, but no matter how much he yelled for help, no one was around save him. One by one, his finger began to lose their grip, and as the final figure let go, a hand grabbed his arm and pulled him back up to safety.

"Came just in the nick of time, didn't I?" Adam said jokingly.

"Would've gathered you got here earlier, but you got here in time."

"So, any idea where we are?"

"I'd take a guess and say that we're in an alternate world to ours, since everything is similar and different at the same time."

"Well, if that's the case, the others must've ended up somewhere so we should-"

Adam was cut off by the vibration of his and Jester's watches, followed by a message left by Protector played itself.

"My friends, if you are all not aware by now, we have been separated into multiple groups across multiple worlds. While I cannot track which worlds you are in, I can track who are in the same worlds. Hannah, Kaedan, and Cameryn are together, Adam and Jester ended up in the same world, and I am currently with Zachary and Niamh. I do not know about Riley, as I cannot track him at all."

"In order to get out of here, you must be reach the lab and find a gateway like experiment. It is easy to use, and use it to head the world I am currently located in, which you should be able to find on the watch. Under no circumstance, do you try to talk to the people of this world. Remain stealthy. If you run into your counterparts, figure something out. Stay safe everyone." 

"However, Adam and Jester, this message you are receiving is only to be heard by you, as I have an important job for the both of you. We are heavily outmatched against Evil's forces, and are in desperate need of backup. Which is why before you head to the coordinates where I currently am, I need you to go to Code's world, and enlist his help. With a bit of hope, he may assist us. I wish you luck in convincing him in aiding us."

"So find a gateway, find Code and return to them. You up to that?" jester said to Adam.

"You know I'm always up to something. If it means we can take done those thugs, I'll do it."

Evil, overlooking the destruction he and his allies had caused and separated their enemies, noticed Wilson in the distance approaching him. Even when he was metres away, he could tell he had failed his mission.

"So, you failed." Evil spoke to Wilson as he landed in front of him.

"I wouldn't put like that. I searched the entire world you told me to multiple times, and I couldn't find a single trace of him And before you ask, I know I was in the right world."

"Pathetic, head back to base, and wait there, I still have to deal with my targets."

As Wilson disappeared from view, Evil's angered bubbled all over him. Twice had his allies failed in there tasks, and he was willing to bet that Rusty would fail too. So he would do whatever it took take make sure he succeeded and showed them how it was done.

The sky slowly began to fill up with a golden orange glow as the bright blue vanished alongside the glowing sun that still illuminated the sky. Adam and Jester continued to descend down the slope of the cliff they knew like the back of their hand, despite the knowledge that it wasn't their own. This place seemed all too familiar, almost an exact replica of their world, but the two could both felt a different energy about this unknown place to them. 

Future Defenders - Book 2 - Call of the MultiverseWhere stories live. Discover now