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They were all unaware of her not so secret actions or inattention. Nor did she know that as soon as she escaped into the kitchen, a discreet grin upturned the general's lips a little. 

The restaurant was still packed and bustling with customers, creating a lively ambience that left no touch at general Alex's quiet corner. 

The patrons, engrossed in their own conservation, meals and companions, had no idea that romance was blooming at a certain corner. The clatter of dishes, laughter, and chatterings provided a wonderful privacy to the quiet and dimmer corner. 

In the kitchen occupied by busy cooks, and the harmonic sounds of boilings and more, was a young maiden filling the dishes and bowls on a tray with complete cutlery.

Once done, she gracefully and carefully carried it out. Her destination, the almost forgotten corner.

As Lily brought the food tray to general Alex's table, to serve him his food, the bold and socially adapted girl found herself hiding from his eyes that sparked wonderful feelings in her. 

As she laid the dishes and cutleries neatly before him, their hands brushed against each other discreetly.

As the fleeting touch sent a jolt of electricity through them, their eyes met again. This time igniting an even more stronger hidden desire that neither could ignore. 

They found themselves lost, as their eyes lingered on each other, communicating a depth of strong and undeniable emotion that words could not express. 

Again, the customers, either booming, laughing, chattering, or wolfing down their food, were oblivious to the silent exchange between them.

Unlike an openly flustered and agitatedly nervous Lily, general Alex still looked as stoic, impassive, expressionless, and calmly conducted as usual, while a battle of various emotions fought inside of him.

He could already tell that something was wrong with him. Wrong with them. Though he couldn't lay hands on what they were. He was that emotionally ignorant. 

The warm and homely ambience in the restaurant that was decorated sparsely but tidily, with traditional designs and furnitures that adorned the walls and floor, and the scent of the freshly cooked food and delicious aroma that filled the air, blended the scent of budding affection and blooming romance that circled the two.

Clinking of glasses and clatterings of dishes, followed by laughter, turned faint and forgotten in their ears and minds.

It turned into a blurred lively background to their unfolding romance.

General Alex had a sudden foreign urge inside of him, which woke him up, and he masterfully subdued it.

Perhaps, because he turned his attention away from her to his food, Lily realised she should leave. That she almost did, but remembered her graceful conduct. She bowed,almost turning clumsy, as she wished him a whispered 'Have a nice meal'.

General Alex lifted his head, a subtle smile on his lips, as he watched her escape.

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