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evie walked into harper, darren and cash's flat as the music bumped loudly, there were loads of people in there already but evie walked straight over to ant and spider. she was wearing her blue nike track pants and a white tank top, leaning against the wall with a vodka lemonade as she listened to conversations all around her.

a few drinks in, evie went over to amerie and harper who were chatting

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a few drinks in, evie went over to amerie and harper who were chatting. "harps can you just let me forgive you now i'm done with all of this drama shit." evie said, slurring her words a little. "i don't care if you think i'm a shady bitch, what's done is done and i just wanna be friends again." she cupped harpers face and put her head on her shoulder. "love you harps."

"love you too eves." harper snorted at her friends drunkness. "you okay?" she asked and evie nodded, hearing that deli by ice spice had come on and she immediately perked up.

"it's ice spice!" evie dragged harper to dance, the blondes both being big fans of ice spice. evie bent down in front of harper and began shamelessly shaking ass feeling harper slap it as everyone cheered.

when evie got too tired, everyone clapped and she drunkenly walked over to the wall where everyone was writing things.

stargirl was here.

"stargirl?" malakai called out and evie turned to face him with a drunken smile. "you are a stargirl actually." he paused and watched as evie drew little stars around her message. "you— you don't hate me, do you?" he asked cautiously.

"i could never hate my first love, malakai." evie pointed out, turning to face him again. "i could never hate you, never." she slurred and cupped his face. "you don't hate me do you?" she asked.

"i could never hate my first love." he echoed evie's words and she kissed him softly. "you wanna go somewhere and talk?" he asked and evie nodded, taking his hand as he led her to the couches.

they sat down and evie curled up in the corner next to malakai. "i want to be with you evie but i just feel like i messed everything up. with you, with rowan, with amerie." he admitted and evie put her chin on her hand.

"you haven't messed anything up." she replied. "apart from my hair maybe." the blonde teased, fixing up some of the strands that had fallen out.

"i feel like i have." malakai said, holding onto evie's hand and she shook her head. "at the cabin, when missy said 'never have i ever slept with someone i'd been in love with' you drank." he pointed out and evie nodded.

"you did too." she replied. "i've loved you for a long time malakai, i just didn't know how to say it." she rested her head on his shoulder and pressed a soft kiss to it.

"i didn't think you loved me back, to be honest." malakai admitted and evie just snorted. "what? you didn't make it obvious or anything." he joked.

"oh shut up." evie smacked his arm. "it was obvious that i did you're just blind." she waved her fingers in front of her eyes and malakai chuckled. "you wanna give it a go? us, i mean." she asked and malakai looked to his left, seeing amerie and rowan kissing.

evie saw what he was looking at and bit her lip a little. "but.. if you're not ready that's okay too." she said which caught his attention again.

"i am, i'm ready and i want to be with you." malakai said and evie just giggled. "what?" he asked, smiling at her giggling.

"we're dating.. boyfriend and girlfrienddd." she sung and malakai chuckled then, evie falling back on the couch in a fit of laughter. "let's go drink and dance freshie. fuck rowan." she said, grabbing malakai's hand.

instead of the usual evie dragging malakai, he wrapped his arm around her waist as they walked. people stared, of course they did. no one thought they'd actually get together. "just give me.. two seconds." evie said to malakai as she bounded over to ant.

"so you and malakai, huh?" he asked and evie nodded. "good on ya blondie." he praised.

"you're not upset?" she cocked her head and ant shook his. "good because i want you to be happy too. and i think that really starts with harps." she held onto ant's hand and dragged him over to harper before running back to malakai.

"you all good?" he asked with a chuckle and evie grabbed a marker.

starboy was here.

she put malakai's initials next to hers. "starboy?" he asked and evie nodded.

"so cringe right." she snorted before wrapping her arms around his neck. "i love you malakai."

"i love you too evie."

𝐁𝐀𝐃 𝐇𝐀𝐁𝐈𝐓, malakai mitchell Where stories live. Discover now