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evie woke up next to amerie since they had a sleepover and evie grumbled. "i always hit my head on that stupid fucking shelf." she hissed and rubbed her forehead, amerie giggling.

"oh yaz." evie looked to see that amerie's little sister had started her period and evie cooed at her.

"you're finally a woman, teddy bear." evie used the nickname she'd always had for yaz. "come on me and ams will sort you right out."

whilst amerie taught yaz about periods, evie got her some new underwear and clothes to wear for the day. "is this seriously gonna happen every month?" yaz exclaimed from in the bathroom.

"just about." evie said, sitting next to amerie. she looked on her period app and gasped. "ams." amerie looked at evie's phone and saw that her period was 50 days late. "oh fuck."

after they got dressed, evie dragged harper and amerie to the pharmacy. "i don't even know what i'm supposed to get?" evie grimaced, walking into the pharmacy to find some medication.

"just get this." amerie passed evie the pills and evie groaned, walking to the counter to pay for the pills. "you reckon these will suit me and harpers formal fit?" evie turned to amerie to see that her and harper were wearing some dodgy sunglasses.

"oh my god." evie snorted and then saw amerie's mum and jessica in the corner of the pharmacy. she grabbed harped and amerie and dragged them down. "no. shit. shit shit shit. ams mum and jessica are there." she whispered and they crawled on the floor.

"quick before they see us. emergency." evie, harper and amerie all had sunglasses on before crawling through the aisles and running out of the store. "fuck.. i gotta tell malakai."

that night evie was at malakai's door, she knocked quietly. "hey." she said softly when he opened the door. "um.. we gotta talk." the blonde said, playing with her fingers.

"i'm actually in the middle of something right now so—"

"i'll be quick. i didn't wanna put this in a text." evie urged and malakai's mum peered around the doorframe. "you know what? it's okay it can wait.. i'll see you at school, yeah?" evie said.

"okay then.. yeah i'll see you at school. i love you." he said and placed a kiss on evie's forehead.

"i love you too." she replied before walking off. amerie and harper were hiding around the corner and jumped out at evie when she came out, the blonde clutching her chest. "jesus christ guys."

when they got back to harpers place, evie threw herself on the couch with amerie and harper both laying on one of her legs. "did you tell him then?" harper asked and evie shook her head. "why not?" she asked.

"he was busy with his mum, i can't tell him something like that in front of his mum." evie replied, hand in amerie's hair. "i already made up my mind i can't keep it, but like.. i just wanted to tell him because like we're in a relationship and he deserves to know." she explained, twisting amerie's hair around her fingers.

"daddys a deadbeat, sorry baby." harper joked and evie huffed.

"it's not funny and don't call it baby we need like a code name. we'll call it like... egg.. no maybe not egg that might be a bit too obvious." evie said, looking at the box which had the pill in it.

"rash." amerie suggested. "rashhhh." she wiggled her fingers around and evie chuckled. "hey evie did you get rid of your rash?"

"great now everyone will think i'm diseased. good work ams." evie joked and opened the packet. "here's to getting rid of my rash." she took the pill and washed it down with a glass of water as amerie's phone went off.

"that'll be rowan, we were gonna go out but i gotta stay here with you." amerie said, looking at her phone as she typed a rain check message to rowan.

evie furrowed her eyebrows. "nah ams you're all good you can still go." she reassured.

"i can't. doesn't feel right leaving my mate alone whilst she's getting rid of her rash." amerie said, standing up. "he's read it but no reply... i don't want him to think i've like gone off him or something." amerie fretted. "i gotta keep him interested."

whilst harper helped amerie take her photo for rowan, evie looked behind her at the wall where hers and malakai's names were written.

malakai and evie with a little heart around them.

𝐁𝐀𝐃 𝐇𝐀𝐁𝐈𝐓, malakai mitchell Where stories live. Discover now