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"it is election day, hartley high, in a surprising turn of events, spencer white of the cumlords party has taken a hit in the polls and it now neck and neck with amerie wadia of the SLT party." zoey announced and evie clung to amerie's arm with a grin.

"incoming." darren said and noticed rowan walking over, evie making herself scarce.

she was sitting on the benches, smoking a cigarette and scrolling through her phone, waiting for amerie to come back and prepare for the debate.

as evie was about to leave and go and find amerie instead, she clutched the edge of the table in pain. "oh fuck." she hissed, sitting down and whimpering out at the sharp cramps in her stomach.

"hey, hey you alright?" malakai said as he rushed over. evie looked up and felt tears in her eyes as another sharp cramp ripped through her body.

"i'm having an abortion." she announced, clutching her stomach as another whine broke out of her mouth.

"what, when? when? are you okay?" he asked and evie just bit back another cry of pain.

"now— now just go and get harper and ams malakai please." she said, clutching his arm as she moaned out in pain again.

they all got to harpers flat and malakai helped evie lay on the couch, tears silently rolling down her face at the pain in her stomach.

"hi evie, from what your friend has described, you don't need to worry. have you started bleeding yet?" the doctor over the phone asked and evie shook her head, letting harper answer for her. "it sounds like your body is just jump starting the process, take the second pill now but it might take a minute to expel the tissue and if you develop a fever please call back okay?"

"where's the second pill, eves?" amerie asked and evie pointed to her wallet. "okay, malakai get it." evie clutched her stomach as she cried out in pain again.

"why is this fucking happening to me. everything happens to me." evie choked out a cry and malakai rushed to evie's side, brushing the hair from her face.

malakai placed the pill onto evie's tongue and passed her some water. "you're okay." he said softly and evie took a swig of water before grabbing malakai's hand as he went to go and sit down.

"stay." she whispered, noticing amerie and harper were busy running evie a bath. she felt malakai sit next to where she was laying, the blonde putting her head in her boyfriends lap as he played with her hair. "i'm sorry i didn't tell you." she said before gritting her teeth at the pain again.

"it's alright." he replied softly, brushing the hair from her face. "is it... is it mine?" he asked and evie nodded. "okay." they were sat in silence as evie curled up as small as she could because of the pain, malakai rubbing her back as she cried out.

when evie got into the bath, malakai sat next to her on the toilet seat and evie held her hand out for him. "are you mad at me?" she asked softly and malakai shook his head.

"are you sure it's mine...? just.. when?" he asked. they hadn't actually had sex since the first day of school and the only other person evie had slept with was ant who used a condom. and the man in the car but he used a condom as well.

"first day back at school." evie confirmed, sinking lower into the bath. "is sex with me really that forgettable? it was in the stairwell."

"no you were.. it was great you were amazing i just— i thought it would've been ants." he admitted shyly and evie shook her head. "you were trying to tell me last night and i brushed you off." malakai rubbed his forehead. "i'm sorry i just thought you were coming to tell me about amerie and rowan and everything." he sighed.

"i'm sorry you found out this way.. i just didn't want to—" evie was cut off by another cramp tearing through her body as she let out a whimper, malakai sitting between the bath and the toilet as evie thrashed around in the tub until she was curled up with her knees to her chest.

"you're alright, give me your hand. i'm here i'm not going anywhere." malakai rubbed evie's back as she sobbed. "i promise you you're okay." he let evie squeeze his hand as she choked out another sob.

harper and amerie knew they had to leave the couple alone, instead making evie some hash browns and a sandwich since those were her favourite foods along with some timtams and green tea.

malakai helped evie get out of the bath, wrapping a towel around her as she slowly got dressed. the outfit in question was one of malakai's sweaters and sweatpants that she had rolled down to be low waisted so she could rub her stomach.

"you're okay." malakai cooed as evie sat on the toilet, letting everything come out as she cried out. "look at me, look." he said to evie who was crying again.

she looked at malakai to see him with his hand out and she took it. "im with you okay." he reassured and evie nodded, squeezing his hand as another cramp tore through her body.

twenty or so minutes later the cramping had finally stopped and evie, malakai, amerie and harper all looked over the toilet. "i don't know what im looking for." malakai admitted, looking to evie who was very pale.

"it's a clump of cells the size of a pinhead, there's not much to see." harper said and evie begun crying again, doubling over as she sobbed. malakai navigated evie to sit on the side of the bath with harper on one side and amerie on the floor crouched holding onto evie's hands.

"you just got a vip ticket to the worst event to ever happen in my life." evie said as she sniffled, standing up to flush the toilet. "i finally got rid of my rash." amerie giggled at evie, harper and malakai joining in.

they all went to the couch, evie cuddling up next to malakai with her legs on harper and amerie. "shit ams the debate." evie said, attempting to get up but amerie held her down.

"this was more important." amerie said and evie kissed her hand as she took a bite of her sandwich.

𝐁𝐀𝐃 𝐇𝐀𝐁𝐈𝐓, malakai mitchell Where stories live. Discover now