Royal Girl | Genda Koujirou

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Genda Koujirou a.k.a Joseph 'Joe' King

Me : I'm back, this one is requested by @candyreadz13
Me : I'm lonely...well you may have read this one on my first book, but if you haven't, you now have! Have fun reading!
"Urg, do I really need to do this, Fudou?" I asked. Fudou had a evil smile on his lips. "You're going to tell me the name of your crush or you won't leave the clubhouse." he said. "That means I stay in here forever." I said. Fudou grabbed my shoulder and pushed me against the lockers. "You tell me who your crush is, now!" he yelled in my face. I didn't dare to tell him. I don't have a crush on Fudou, no way.

Wanna know my crush? It's the Genda Koujirou, king of the goalkeepers. I had some reasons that I have a crush on him. One : he's determined, confident and usually calm, but also impatient and cocky and two : he's brave. But there's one problem : Genda is very serious and doesn't show his own feelings. So even if he had a crush on me, he wouldn't tell me.

I tried to break free from Fudou's hold. "If you tell me the name of your crush, I will let you go." he said, trying to make a deal. "No, now let me go!" I yelled, almost desperate and panicked. Fudou wanted to hit me, but somebody grabbed his wrist. "Fudou, you can't hit a girl, you know." I heard. I looked up and saw Genda holding his wrist. Fudou broke free, let go of my shoulder and tried to hit Genda. But he can't, because Genda is almost a head bigger than him.

I walked away from Fudou, trying to get away. Fudou tried to punch me, but Genda stepped in front of me and catched Fudou's blow. "What does he want from you, (F/N)?" Genda asked me. "She is going to tell the name of her crush." Fudou said. "Last time Fudou, I'm not going to tell you." I said. Fudou turned around and walked out of the room.

Genda looked at me. "Are you okay?" he asked concerned. "Yes, thanks Genda - kun." I said. He smiled sweetly at me and pulled me into a hug. "No problem." he whispered in my ear. I heard a door close and turned my head. I got out of Genda's arms and pounded on the door. "Fudou, idiot, open the door." I yelled angry. "Maybe later." Fudou said and walked away, leaving me and Genda locked in the clubroom.

A few hours pasted by and Genda didn't said a word to me. "Why did Fudou locked us in here?" I asked. Genda didn't answer.

Genda's pov


I let a ball get in the goal again. "What's wrong today, Genda?" Kidou asked me. "Nothing." I said quickly.

After training, Fudou walked up to me. "Who is it?" he asked. "Who's what?" I asked, knowing what he meant. "Witch girl here makes you loose concentration?" he asked.

I stared at him. "How do you know?" I asked. "This is the first time I saw you showing your feelings in your way of practice." he said.

"Fine, I have a crush on someone." I said. "Can I know who?" Fudou asked. "It's (L/N) (F/N)." I said. "Her? Do you know if she haves a crush on you?" he asked. "No." I said quickly.

Fudou smiled evil and walked away. "Oh god." I said to myself...

Normal pov

"Genda!" I yelled. He woke up out of his flashback and stared at me. "Did you just yelled at me?" he asked, a evil smile playing on his lips. "Yes, so what?" I asked. "You'll regret that." he said. I looked confused at him, but he came closer to me. He pushed me to the floor. I couldn't stand a chance against him, because he's stronger and bigger than me.

He sat down on top of me and started tickling me. I laughed like an complete idiot. "G-Genda, stop it!" I yelled. "Say sorry to me and I will tell the name of my crush." he said. "Okay, but stop first." I begged. He stopped, but kept sitting on top of me. "I'm sorry." I said. "Okay." he said.

He came closer to me and before I realised it, he kissed me. I was a little bit shocked by his sudden action, but then I realised something. I'm his crush.

I opened my mouth a little bit to gasp for some air. Taking this as an opportunity, he took it and putted his tongue in my mouth, invading the personal in my mouth. I layed my hands on his shoulders to pull him closer. He layed one of his hands on my cheek, caressing it with his thumb.

We were kissing for two minutes and I felt like he wouldn't stop. Finally, I broke the loving kiss, but kept staring into his eyes. "Your my crush." he said. "I like you too, Genda." I said. He stoop up and then sit down next to me, snaking one arm around my waist. He kissed me again. I layed my head on his shoulder and fell asleep.

The door got open again and Genda looked up. "Well Genda, did you made your confession?" He asked. "Quiet, she sleeps." Genda said, stroking my hair. "Then I will leave you two." Fudou said and walked out of the room.

Genda kissed my forehead and I smiled in my sleep. "I really love you (F/N)." he whispered and kept on stroking my hair. I love you Genda, I thought, because I heard his sweet and loving words.
Me : *nosebleeds* I love this part soooo much

Genda : o-kay -_-"

Me : oh, I hope you liked it and sorry for not updating, laters!

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