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For the last two days, Sam has been avoiding his brother as much as he can even as far as climbing to his window and forcing it open to get in on the first night. Only to realise that Daniel was avoiding him just as much, if not more. 

Kiara was at The Wreck more then usual, always making sure that Sam was okay after the bonfire episode. She was the only one that Sam had told about the incident.

Sam had to live with a bruise as a reminder, the bruise was in his right cheekbone, three days ago it had looked much worst, or so he thought that it did in certain lights. 

It was Saturday night and he was sitting at the dinner table, the Larraín's used to be somewhat of a wealthy family mainly due to Dan and Sam's mother, after her passing they had to move to a place in the cut especially due to the memories that the old place gave them, it wasn't the worst house you could see at the cut by far but it took some getting used to for the three men. 

They had kept some of the furniture so the old place so the house luckily looked quite homely when they first moved but some of the same furniture meant some of the same memories. 

He sat opposite his brother whom had given him a lasting present a few days ago and his father who sat between the two in the edge of the smaller six seat table. 

"How was your day, hijo?" The twin's father spoke, ten minutes into the dinner, they were currently eating food that Sam managed to bring home from The Wreck. One thing he did give Mike was that he could cook a hell of a meal. He was an amazing cook. 

"Good, same old." Sam spoke, twirling his fork to get most of the spaghetti in his plate. "It was busier today but Kiara was there to help out, so all good." 

"It's a good little job you have, for now." The older man nodded at his son as he continued eating his food. "So when are you going to tell me how you got your bruise? Your old man isn't as clueless as you think. I don't truly believe that you managed to do that to yourself, mijo."

"I've told you the truth." 

"Lying is ugly, me and your mother-" The older man winced at his words, Sam thought he saw Daniel mirroring his dad as he quickly dropped his fork. "We didn't raise you, to lie. Tell me the truth, Samuel."

Sam looked down at his plate, his eyes meeting Daniel's scared ones before he broke the silence. "A drunk guy just showed up at the Wreck after we closed, I told him that we were closed and he just - didn't take no for an answer. He was quite the prick, if I'm honest." Sam said, his eyes finally meeting his father. 

His father had longer hair, and his beard had grown longer and his eyes dark brown which matched Daniel's whereas Samuel matched his mother's hazel eyes. Marcos used to be known for being quite the charmer before, he took well care of his looks. 

The silence after the boy's words was tense, his father's eyes remained on the boy's face as if looking for any sign of deceit. 

"You should have reported him, at least you should have come and told me." Marcos had his eyes back down on his food. "Next time you see him, you call me and let me know, you hear me boy?" 

"Yeah, I'll let you know." Sam said, his eyes wandering to Daniel who would no longer meet his eyes. "I've finished, I'm going to head to my room. Daniel are you okay to wash up like you said you would?" Sam raised his eyebrow at his brother as he got up from his chair, leaving his clean plate on the table.

"Y-yeah. I'll wash this up." Daniel said, Sam nodded with a small smile, saying goodnight before heading off to bed. 


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