9: He's Scheming

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Napstablook has gotten the absolute pleasure of getting to know you for the better part of the passing week. Sure, the experience was slightly watered down because, as YOU had warned him, your period made you a little more emotional and dramatic than usual. He can’t even blame you for it either; what kind of fucked up shit is this that you have to bleed for a whole week??

You were always quick to sincerely apologize whenever you accidently raised your voice, or when you would get jealous over a monster having cute ears, or when you would outright sob when you ate that delicious burger he brought for you from MTT-Brand Burger Emporium.

You were a bigger cry baby than he was! Honestly, Napstablook was pretty impressed!

But as much fun you two were having together in the Ruins, he knew that it couldn’t magically fix one specific dilemma.

You needed to get out of these Ruins.

The catacombs are very small and the amount of monsters living here are smaller. They tend to keep to themselves as well, and aren’t the most receptive when it comes to you. Yes, they’re polite and don’t turn you away, but when you were subtly telling the owner of a few places that you’d basically work for free, they found every excuse to turn you down.

“Oh, I’d just feel bad for taking advantage of you and your time.”

“Then pay me the bare minimum.” You’d counter.

”I-I don’t think I have the funds to afford another employee, you see…”

“No… No, I get it. Thanks for hearing me out, though.” You’d force a smile, letting everyone know who was involved that YOU know it was complete, and utter bullshit.

You don’t actually want a job, you don’t want to work for free. You just want something to do. You need new stimuli and the Ruins cannot provide that for you.

”it’s just a shame…” Napstablook tells the smiley skeleton, “but she doesn’t have a lot of options…”

After seeing each other every day for the past week, Sans and Napstablook have built a small routine with each other.

If Sans manages to catch the ghost BEFORE entering the Ruins, then Sans will have a ghost-friendly snack to share as Napstablook tells him the plans you two have for the day. If Sans catches the ghost AFTER, then they’ll both share what their day was like (aka, Sans trying to know more about you while giving short answers when it was his turn to share).

Right now, Napstablook and Sans were munching on some hot cats, talking about your sad day yesterday. In a little bit, he’s going to have to wrap this up so he’s not late.

“hm, guess the monsters in the ruins are still a little close-minded about humans,” Sans gives an honest opinion, “if the human is actually as nice as you say, then it has nothin’ to do with her, and everything to do with her just being human.”

‘you keep saying that…’ Napstablook thinks to himself. “If she is actually this or that”… why do you distrust humans so much…? especially this one…?’

“i feel so bad for her. i can tell she’s getting exhausted…”

“why can’t she just leave the ruins then?”

“it’s not safe…” Napstablook hesitates for a moment, “not just because she’s human, either… there’s a monster who almost killed her when she first fell down… according to miss toriel, anyway… that’s the real reason why miss toriel asked me to hang out with the human. so i can make sure she can safely leave the house and watch out for that monster…”

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