Random Shenanigans

825 23 9

1) Angel and Demon on your Shoulders)

Somewhere in Japan

Angel: Imagine if you like. Painted your nails and dyed your hair the same color today. Just do it like right now!

Hana: Oh my God Stop.~

Hana: What do you think I should do Megumi?


Random street in Hell

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Random street in Hell

Sukuna: Hey Brat, see that person right there?

Yuji: Ya?

Sukuna: Stab them and Fuck the wound.

Yuji: Im sorry WHAT!

2) Creative)

Sukuna is seen inside his innate domain doing something with bones

Sukuna: Almost...

Sukuna puts the bone in place

Sukuna: Done!

Sukuna looks at his creation and it was a sculptor of him

Sukuna: Perfect.

Yuji appears in the innate domain

Yuji: What anm I doing here?

Sukuna: Huh?

Yuji: WOAH that's so cool!!

Sukuna: Wait! No! don't TOU-

Yuji: Touch.

The sculptor falls apart

Yuji: Woops.

Sukuna: ................

Yuji: Uhhhh you ok?


Yuji: Wait! No IM SORRY!

3) Sandwich)

Charlie: Hey Vaggie do you know where's KeeKee wet food?

Vaggie: It's on top of the fridge.

Charlie: I just checked and it wasn't up there.

Vaggie: How? I just bought some yesterday.

Yuji walks up to the two of them

Yuji: Hey guys. *Chomp*

Charlie: Hey Yuji. You wouldn't happen to know what happened to Keekee's food?

Yuji: I was just in the kitchen making a sandwich and I didn't see anyone. *Chomp*

Charlie: That's so weird what could have happened to it?

Vaggie sniffs the air

Vaggie: Yuji is that tuna?

Yuji: Ya it's really good. *Chomp*

Vaggie and Charlie look at each other for a second before looking back at Yuji

Yuji: What? *Chomp*

Charlie: Did you find the "tuna" on top of the Fridge?

Yuji: Ya? *Chomp*

Vaggie: Did it have a big cat on the can?

Yuji: Yes why? *Chomp*

Charlie: Yuji... That's cat food.

Yuji: Oh........



4) Bubblegum)

Yuji: Finally it's been so long since I had some good bubble gum. Sad that I had to pay some people to go get it for me.


Moxxie: Wait so let me get this straight... You don't want us to kill someone but to get you Bubble gum?

Yuji: Yes sir. I have the Money.

Moxxie: Im Sorry but we are an assassin company and I don't think that we can waste resources on something like thi-

Blitzo: Don't Worry sir well be sure to get that done for you.


Yuji: They seem fun.

Yuji opens the pack and takes out a couple 

Yuji: Alright Todo I'm gonna see if I can beat my record.

He put them in his mouth and chewed a bit before trying to blow a bubble


Yuji: Come on.

He tries again


Yuji: Damn it.

He tries again and it grows as big as his head just as that happens Sukuna appears on Yuji Face

Sukuna: Hey Brat-


The Gum covers Yuji face Sukuna breaks thought the gum


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