thirty-three. **

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the next morning, evie woke up with malakai's arms wrapped right around her and she burrowed further into his chest, remembering this was their last morning together for however long. "hey scary." malakai mumbled and evie just sniffled a little. "it's okay." he kissed the top of evie's head and she let a little sob break loose.

malakai moved back a little and captured evie's lips in a kiss. he felt the tears roll down her face and land on his, his hands weaving into evie's hair as he slowly kissed her. "you're perfect." he whispered and slowly pulled off his sweatshirt, evie following after with her shirt. "so fucking perfect evie, i love you." he kissed down evie's body, leaving small love bites on her stomach and pelvis before he slowly pulled off her trousers.

evie moaned softly when malakai buried his face between her legs, licking her clit. "malakai." she hummed, her legs over his shoulders and his hands on her thighs to keep them apart. "fuck." evie hissed. malakai loved being between evie's legs, he could spend eternity down there.

"taste so good evie." he praised and pushed evie's hips down when she arched her back off of the bed. her hands found malakai's hair and weaved into it, tugging onto the strands softly. soon after, evie came and malakai kissed his way back up to evie's neck.

"do you want me to..?" evie asked and malakai shook his head. "are you sure."

"this is about you." he slowly slid into evie and she moaned quietly. "you feel so good." malakai pulled evie's legs around his waist and kissed her softly. they moved in sync, malakai cupping evie's face gently, his kisses swallowing her moans so sweetly.

he whispered praises, sweet nothings into evie's ear as she tried to bite back her moans. malakai put one of his hands on her thigh and the other one dipped between evie's legs to touch her clit.

"i'm gonna cum." evie said quietly, hearing the bed creak at the sounds of malakai slowly sliding in and out of evie.

"i know, i know." he mumbled and kissed evie's neck, sucking on her earlobe as her legs shook and she came around his cock, malakai slowly spilling into evie, the blonde tightening her legs around his waist as he slowly groaned into her ear.

when malakai looked up at evie, she was crying again, silent tears rolling down her face and malakai's face softened as he wiped her face with his thumb.

"please don't forget me." evie asked softly, this was the most vulnerable she'd ever been. "please." she asked, sniffling again.

"you? how could i ever forget you?" malakai kissed evie's cheek, then her other one, then her forehead and nose and then her lips. "nothing could ever make me forget you scary." malakai was busy kissing evie's face, neck, shoulders and mike just decided to walk in.

"oh my gosh— sorry." mike covered his eyes. "please say you're being safe." he asked and slowly backed out of the door. malakai and evie looked at eachother and begun giggling, malakai falling on top of evie as she giggled.

they slowly begun getting ready for the day, evie showering with malakai not leaving her side.

when the pair went downstairs mike didn't make any eye contact with malakai or evie, the latter giggling. "we weren't doing anything dad." evie confirmed. "we were just cuddling and kai was giving me a kiss. and yes we're being safe." she patted him on the shoulder, making some nutella on toast.

evie and malakai sat together on the couch, evie with her legs on malakai's lap as they shared some nutella toast and watched neighbours reruns. they shifted positions, evie laying with her head in malakai's lap and him playing with her hair, the blonde having to pretend she wasn't crying again.

"vi." malakai cooed and evie wiped her face and sniffled a bit. "come here." he hummed and evie sat up in malakai's lap and put her head in the crook of his neck, crying still. malakai rubbed his girlfriends back and kissed her clothed shoulder. "i'm sorry."

they sat for hours cuddling and watching neighbours until malakai looked at his watch. "hey.. it's time to get ready for formal." he stroked evie's hair.

"i don't even want to go." she admitted softly.

"i know love, i know. but we are, because i really wanna see you all dressed up and happy tonight." malakai muttered and evie nodded softly. "i'll be back, okay? don't worry." he pecked evie on the lips and she smiled softly as he closed the door.

it felt real, like he was leaving right then and there, the blonde bursting out into tears.

"hey, hey kid what's wrong?" mike asked and wrapped his arms around evie. "talk to me." he said and evie just sobbed in his arms.

"he's leaving." evie managed to choke out and mike chuckled.

"he's going to get ready for formal kid, he's gonna be back in a couple hours." mike chuckled again, rubbing evie's back.

"no dad you don't get it. he's leaving tonight. he's moving to switzerland." mike's face fell, his heart breaking for his daughter.

maybe this is one of the moments that evie would really really appreciate having a mum but mike had played both roles his whole life and he wouldn't stop now.

"oh babe." mike mumbled and kissed the top of evie's head. "he'll come back for summers and you can go visit him, you know that." he tried to reassure his crying daughter but to no avail. "cheer up, evs, you're gonna look so pretty for formal. come on i'll come and sit with you whilst you get ready. come on."

𝐁𝐀𝐃 𝐇𝐀𝐁𝐈𝐓, malakai mitchell Where stories live. Discover now