Flowering Fortune

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Evangeline walked along the road staring at the sidelights. Kym and Lauren wouldn't here till a couple of minutes later, which meant that she had time until they arrived for patrol duty. Evangeline walked along the edge of the pathway and cars drove by next to her.

She kept walking as people talked and children played. She was pulled out of her thoughts when she saw a flash of red hair and blue hair as well. She smiled slightly before walking to them.

"Hello kym, Hi lauren" She said as they both turned their heads around, surprised by the sudden arrival.

"-pensive eyes- Evans, You are as stealthy as a thief" Kym exclaimed before turning fully to face her. Suddenly interested in whatever conversation they were having, Evangeline turned to look at Lauren before realizing that it was a playful conversation and that it was fine for her to intrude slightly. "What is it with you two and eyes?

"I think Lauren would like to explain that" Kym responded, laughing slightly before looking at Lauren. Evangeline turned to Lauren with an inquisitive stare, as Lauren looked between the two of them and sighed.

"Alright, I can't believe you two. A recurring theme with my 'dates' is that they like to think they're complimenting my eyes by calling them 'Pensive eyes' and the same thing happened on the date I went to last month(which Kym keeps bringing up) before the whole double murder fiasco" She finished.

Evangeline noticed that she had a hint of fear on her face towards the end. It confused Evangeline but she decided not to ask remembering the whole fiasco and how Lauren's mood was different than usual and had been so for the past month.

It made sense since, she *had* faced the purple hyacinth and there had also been the rise of the group called 'Lune' who had been extremely helpful to the police but she had an idea about who it could be. Realising that she was getting carried away, "Shall we?" She said pointing towards the police station.

Lauren nodded and they started walking towards the station in silence. On the way they were stopped by a loud cry for help that seemed to have been made by their regular complainee, Miss Wilson. Kym decided to head upstairs but Lauren stayed behind with Evangeline to hear Miss Wilson out about how the neighboring cat was too loud and was 'inviting other cats' to her backyard.

After finally dealing with Miss Wilson (Lauren told her to talk to the neighbor), they went inside with Lauren in front of her, taking the lead as they navigated through the familiar corridors of the police station. As they were heading into the room, they heard the very familiar voice of Kym saying "Oh and here they are, the last members of the squad."

Evangeline notices a flash of blue eyes that she never thought she'd see again, her eyes widen but she coughs to cover it up. "The red hair is familiar to Lauren Sinclair and, the coughing human is our lovely Evangeline Fahey or as we call her, Evans." Kym stops moving around and stands between the two of them.

"Meet the newest addition to our precinct," He turns around and Evangeline feels as if she will faint "Kieran White" Kym announces dramatically. Will appears out of nowhere, "He'll be our new archivist" He says as Kieran's eyes move over Lauren to her, waiting for a moment before smiling at both of them.

"Nice to meet you, Miss Sinclair and Miss Fahey." They are the first words he says and she's not sure if he recognises her but she also hasn't felt her powers go awry in a long time and her thoughts go out of control and everything is *wrong*.

Evangeline looks at Kieran, a whirlwind of emotions building inside her but he's looking at Lauren as if worried about her reaction. He doesn't recognise her.

She takes a deep breath in and finally smiles at him before stretching out a hand towards him. "Nice to meet you too, Mr White. I hope to do some good work together." He looks at her hand and shakes it before Lauren finally speaks but Evangeline is too shocked to hear it.

A tale of Flowers and PoisonWhere stories live. Discover now