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After a few years once the signers went their own ways, leaving Yusei to be the only one left in New Domino city, he felt more than lonely after the relationship with Akiza didn't last even a whole year. He knew he messed up with the girl he used to call his best friend and wanted to make things right once again, but he didn't know what to do about the whole ordeal since he remembered the cold look she had given him and how she spoke.

She wouldn't want him back, no way would she want to see him again. But that thought changed when he went through the mail he got while being at work seeing an envelope with Serena's name on it. His eyes went slightly wide as he felt his hands shake. He couldn't believe she had written to him. He opened the envelope some-what quickly as well as unfolded the letter that was in the envelope.

|Dear Yusei,
I know its been a long while since you and I have been around one another? How's life been treating you and the others? This probably comes to a big shock to you but I'm getting married soon, I would like for you to be there. But I understand if you aren't, since we did used to date and all. I just want to see you one last time before moving on with my life, Kalin said that it'd be good for me to tie up loose ends before moving forward. So, that's why I am writing to you instead of calling you or something. I don't know how you'll react to this but this is how thing are now.
Your friend
Serena Kessler.|

His eyes widen as he read the note, he saw along with the note was a wedding invite. He still loved Serena, and here she was getting married to someone else. He couldn't believe that he was going to lose his best friend and his first lover. He saw the date on the invite and he instantly made up a plan to get her back.

Two weeks later, Serena was staring at herself through the mirror and frowned. "Well this is it." She said softly with a small sigh

"You aren't having second thoughts on this are you?" Kalin said from behind her with his arms crossed

She jumped a bit before she looked behind her to her brother. She frowned slightly but shook her head. "No, I said I'd move on and that's what I am doing Brother, I need to just forget the past." She said sadly

"Good, but I came here to tell you something." He said with his arms crossed

She rose an eyebrow at him. "What's that?"

"Outside I saw something very close to Yusei's runner. You didn't invite him did you?" He asked

"I-I did. Only because he was the only friend I had back in the satellite." She said with her hands together.

"Lets just hope that things go well today." Kalin said before he left.

Serena looked at the mirror again and sighed. "Yusei...Why did you have to hurt me so badly?" She said softly to herself.

When it was time for her to go down the aisle she felt nervous and very shaky about it. She was also scared about the future that she had in front of her. She was going to marry someone her brother thought would take her mind off of Yusei's mistake, of course it worked for awhile until the guy had asked her about her past. She didn't want to say much but he pestered her about it, she wasn't so happy about it. Afterwards she couldn't stop thinking about Yusei, how the times she spent with him and how it felt to have his arms around her. It made her miss him a lot, she wanted to say her last goodbye to him before totally forgetting about it. So asking him to be at her wedding was the only thing she knew how to do.

When she got to the alter with her soon to be husband she placed her hand on top of his as the priest started to speak. Serena blocked it out, she got out of her head though when the priest said 'does anyone here object to these two young people getting married?'

It was silent other than small murmurs in different places before she heard Yusei's voice speak loud and clearly. "I object." He said seriously

Serena's eyes went wide as she turned herself to see Yusei. He was wearing a suit as he stood in front of the entrance to the church. She placed a hand on her heart as she saw him go down the Aisle.

"Serena don't do this, not with him. I was a fool to pick Akiza over you, I should have known you were trying to keep me from what had happened between her and I. I still love you and care for you. Please...Don't marry this other guy." Yusei said as he held her hand with both of his.

Serena's eyes widen even more as well as tear up a bit. "W-Why should I believe your words? I-It's been over two years since the last time I saw you Yusei Fudo."

He sighed lightly and he held her hand slightly tighter. "Because I know deep in your heart you still care for me, I see it in your eyes as well. Don't deny yourself what you really feel, I know you fear that I am doing this just to trip you out as a joke. But I'm not, It only took me half a year to realize that the only person who'll ever love me is you." He said sincerely

"You aren't going to listen to that garbage are you?" Her fiancée asked

She sighed and closed her eyes as she felt herself being tugged towards the guy she was supposed to married. "Brian let go of me so I can think."

He did and she took her hands from Yusei. "You both are so trouble-some I swear. But I know where my heart lies and who'll do me more good than bad."

"I knew you wouldn't let that guy get in the way." Brian said with a grin

"I didn't say who you ass let me speak!" Serena said glaring at him.

He frowned at her. "But Se-" He said

"SHUT IT!" She yelled angered "And this is why I was so iffy on doing this to begin with! You push and force me into shit I don't want to!"

Brain looked to her sadly, she hugged Yusei tightly. "I know you won't ever do that, I chose to be with you."

"What!?" Brian and his family said shocked

"Get over yourself! Go find a brat who'll actually want to be pushed around like a damn animal I know I don't!" Serena said before she pulled Yusei up to the alter

Kalin was shocked at what his sister did, but smiled knowing that she was standing up for herself finally. When he saw Brian going after her he punched him knocking him out. The priest looked shocked but smiled afterwards.

"Any other objections?" The Priest asked

It was quiet so he continued on smiling. "Do you Yusei Fudo take Serena Kessler to love and care for in sickness and in health until death do you part?" The Priest asked

Yusei smiled at Serena and held her hand tightly "I do." He said as he felt the cold metal go around his left ring finger.

"Do you Serena Kessler take Yusei Fudo to love and care for in sickness and in health until death do you part?" The priest asked

She grinned happily. "I do." She said as she felt the ring go on her left finger.

"Then with the power invested in me I pronounce you husband and wife you may now kiss the bride." The priest said with his hands together

Yusei pulled Serena into him and kissed her passionately on the lips. She kissed him back with her arms wrapped around his neck as tears went down her cheeks.

"You have no idea how stupid I felt the day her and I broke up." Yusei said softly to her

"Psh, that's the past lets keep it there alright?" She said with a grin

"Fine with me Serena, I love you." He said with a smile

"I love you too Yusei, Thank you for being here." She said before he grinned a bit more at her.

"What are best friends for?"

She laughed before they went down the aisle together. Yusei helped her on to his duel runner before he took her back to New Domino City where he took her to where he lived.

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