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Serena's left eye twitched a little as she looked at Akiza who had pulled her away from the boys and the building. "Who are you to tell me what to do Akiza? Yes Yusei has helped you control your abilities but he only did it as your friend nothing more, his heart belong to someone else. It always has. I'm not going to run off and be a prissy crying brat when I know the facts. Yusei loves me as I love him, If you cannot get that through your mind then you are just about as crazed as you were before." Serena said seriously

Akiza hated that Serena wasn't going to back down and leave Yusei alone. She went up to Serena and wrapped her hands around her neck as she placed Serena back first against the nearest building "I don't care that you two used to be best friends before I met him, I love him and I don't want you or anyone else to ever get in the way of that." She said seriously

Serena only looked at her with a stoic expression upon her face, the grasp that Akiza had on her throat was weak compared to what barbra had done to her previously. "You are just about as dumb as jack is when it comes to mechanics. Just drop the love dovey act Akiza, you aren't going to get anywere near Yusei. He's with me and I won't allow anyone to ever break us apart. Whether you like it or not its the truth, isn't that right Yusei?" Serena asked as she had saw Yusei come towards them as Akiza had spoken up, she wasn't going to say anything about Yusei until the right moment. 

Akiza looked behind her only to see a shocked expression upon his face, upon seeing what had happened between the two females he didn't say a word, he instead looked down and away from Serena. Akiza dropped Serena and went over to Yusei wrapping her arms around his left arm. 

"You know that I'm right...right?" She said sweetly to him

Serena felt ill seeing just how two-faced Akiza was, but she didn't speak upon it. She merely got up dusting herself off and crossed her arms. She hated clingy people and it was why she wasn't one. She knew them to be toxic people and disliked anyone who was one. She waited to hear what Yusei would do or say before she did anything. Yusei soon looked at Serena sadly before he let out a small sigh of sadness. "I'm sorry Rena but...Akiza is right. I just didn't know how to tell you."

Serena saw red but didn't act upon it, instead she just glared hatefully at Yusei. "Then forget the promise that we made one another. Forget everything I've ever done for your sorry excuse for an ass! If you honestly believe being with that clingy ass bitch is best for you then fine! I'll leave New Domino City and never return. Nothing you say or do will make me want to return here or be anywhere around you. I trusted you but I see that was in vain. Don't you dare try to contact me again!" She hissed out angered

Serena then went into the building and grabbed all that she had before she was stopped by Crow and Bruno. "Where are you going this time Serena?" Crow asked with a sigh

"To my brother...He's the only one that I can trust." She said seriously as she was strapping her things down to her motor bike

"What about us?" Bruno asked confused

Serena looked at him and scoffed. "You don't want me to start on all of the cons of all of you." She said before she left out

She went back to Satisfaction town, where she parked her runner and got off looking for her elder brother. When she found him she rushed up to him before she hugged him crying. She felt him stiffen a bit before he hugged me back.

"What happened Rena?" He asked concerned

"Y-Yusei...He....He broke up with me to be with some other girl. I-It hurts big brother." She sobbed out as she held onto his jacket tightly

Kalin had a feeling her being around him for the two days she was would place a rift between them and he was right. But he said nothing about it and rubbed her back softly. "c'mon lets get you somewhere not in the open and you can tell me exactly what happened alright?" He said comforting her. 

She nodded her head as the two of them went into a house he had been living in since changing up the town. He sat her down on a couch before he sat down beside her. "Now Serena, Try to stay calm-tell me exactly what happened when you went back with Yusei."

Serena sniffled before she nodded her head. "A-Alright big brother." She said before she took a deep breath. "W-When we got back to New Domino city, I had thanked Yusei for bringing me back and gave him a hug and a peck on the cheek. After doing that a girl name Akiza who has red hair who has been obsessed with  Yusei dragged me out of where the boys and I lived only for her to choke me and place me up against the side of the building saying that I needed to leave him alone that he didn't love me he loved her. I doubted that and spoke up about it as I saw Yusei get closer to us while that brat was talking. When I mentioned that Yusei was behind her-her attitude completely changed and she instantly let me go clinging to Yusei's arm."

Serena teared up remembering just how things had happened between Yusei and her. "Y-Yusei gave me a half assed apology saying that he was 'sorry' and that she was right. That he didn't know how to tell me that he was with her. S-So I told him to completely forget about me and all of the things I did for him...T-That nothing he'd say or do would make me want to be around him anymore. "

While Serena spoke, Kalin's eyes went from Concern to hate, he disliked how much he had trusted Yusei only for him to break his baby sisters heart. Over Ten years of him taking care of Serena and for what? To break her heart making her not want anything to do with him? Kalin held her hands within his own as he looked at her sincerely. "Serena you are more than welcome to stay here if you want to, I won't force you to be around him if he's going to do that to you. You will always have a home here."

Serena nodded her head as she gave him a sad smile "T-Thank you so much Kalin. T-That means so much to me!"

"Of course, I have over ten years to make up for." Kalin said happily

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