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As I waited for Grace throughout the day, disappointment weighed heavy on my heart. We didn't have any classes together, and during breaks, she was nowhere to be found. But as I was about to leave the cafeteria hall, my eyes caught sight of her amidst Ren and his friends. The sight left me feeling disheartened and lost in self-reflection.

It was inevitable, really. I didn't want to let myself be bothered by anything related to her and Ren's relationship, but seeing them together stung nonetheless. And when I returned to the parking lot at the end of the day, hoping for some solace in Grace's company, I found that she had already left. It felt like a cruel blow, adding to the loneliness that seemed to envelop me.

I tried reaching out to her, calling and texting, but received no reply. Finally, on a Saturday morning, a message from her appeared on my phone. "Sorry, babe," it read. "I was with Ren all day. I'm sorry I left so early. Ren wanted to take me to places. I'm pleased our sleepover today seems to be possible. One of Ren's teammates is throwing a party at his house, so I was invited. I can't say no to him. See you on Monday."

I couldn't help but feel disappointed in myself. I had started this charade, and now it seemed like I was paying the price for it. My week passed by in its usual monotony, but on Sunday, as I looked at myself in the mirror, I knew something had to change. I needed a haircut, a new wardrobe, a new personality. I needed to rediscover the bright, confident girl I used to be. Most importantly, I needed to love myself first, and only then could I hope for others to love me too.


As Monday morning dawned, the weight of a long-overdue change pressed heavily on my mind. It was time to liberate myself from the shackles of self-doubt and insecurity that had long held me back. With renewed determination, I embarked on a journey of transformation, both inside and out.

My first stop was the salon. As I settled into the stylist's chair, I watched with a mix of anticipation and nostalgia as the scissors snipped away the old, familiar locks. Each cut felt like a symbolic release from the past. When the stylist finished, I gazed into the mirror and saw a new version of myself-lighter, freer, and brimming with potential.

Next, I set out on a shopping spree to overhaul my wardrobe. The drab, uninspired outfits of yesteryear were replaced by vibrant colors, bold patterns, and styles that echoed the confident, dynamic person I was striving to become. With every new piece I tried on, I felt myself inching closer to the person I had always aspired to be.

But transformation was more than just a change in appearance-it was a shift in mindset. Throughout the day, I made a conscious effort to cultivate a more positive outlook. I confronted negative thoughts head-on, replacing them with affirmations of self-worth and resilience. Though challenging, each passing hour reinforced my growing strength and readiness to tackle whatever lay ahead.

By evening, as I stood before the mirror once more, a smile crept across my face. The reflection staring back was undeniably me, yet it was also a new me-one who had embraced change, growth, and the ongoing journey of self-discovery.

Later that day, as I scrolled through Grace's WhatsApp status, filled with vibrant videos of her enjoying a lively night out, a pang of envy tugged at me. It was clear she had an amazing time with new friends, while I felt like a mere spectator in her social whirlwind.

I was suddenly jolted by the sound of my mom's car pulling into the garage. Rushing to the kitchen, I frantically checked the fridge for any leftover food to heat up. I knew I'd be just as frustrated with myself as my mom would be if she found nothing to eat.


I spun around, startled by my mother's sudden presence. She was balancing a nylon bag in one hand and a box of pizza in the other.

"What on earth happened to you?!" she exclaimed, her eyes widening in surprise as she set her haul down on the kitchen island.

"My baby..." she cooed, cupping my face and gently touching my newly styled hair, her eyes sparkling with joy. "You look absolutely radiant! What's the occasion?"

"How do you like me now?" I asked, grinning from ear to ear. Her reaction was so heartwarming, it made my heart swell.

"Oh, I adore it!" she exclaimed, playfully smacking my back. "Though that smack was a bit too hard," I winced, rubbing the spot. "But seriously, why didn't you tell me about your plans so we could have gone together? And this makeover-are you trying to impress someone special?"

I rolled my eyes, but my smile betrayed my amusement. "No, Mom. I just wanted to impress myself. Sometimes you've got to do it for yourself, you know?"

"Oh, sweetheart," she said with a dramatic flair, pulling out a bottle of wine and two glasses. "I knew you were pretty, but this is something else! You're going to make a lot of hearts skip a beat!"

She poured the wine with a flourish and handed me a glass. "Let's toast to my beautiful daughter and her new look!"

"To new beginnings and loving ourselves," I clinked my glass against hers, savoring the moment.

"Speaking of loving ourselves," she said with a mischievous grin, "I did a little grocery shopping on my way home. Why don't you fetch it from the car's trunk? We'll have a little celebration."

My mom was a whirlwind of energy and joy. Our impromptu celebration, which started just after eight, was filled with laughter and lively conversation. We danced around the kitchen, sampled the pizza, and chatted about everything under the sun. By eleven o'clock, we were both feeling tipsy and content.

After tucking my mom into bed, I stumbled back to my room, exhausted but happy. I flopped onto my bed, hoping to drift off quickly. Just as I was about to close my eyes, my phone buzzed with a message from George. It instantly pulled me back to the present, my earlier contentment shifting to curiosity and anticipation

"Hey, you missed geometry and chemistry today. Had a wild Sunday night or nursing a hangover?" Typical George, always ready with a joke. His message brought a smile to my face, and I felt a warm anticipation for seeing him at school the next day.

"I just wanted to see what skipping school felt like," I texted back with a grin before setting my phone aside and snuggling into bed. Moments later, my phone beeped again. It was another message from George: "Why didn't you let me know? We could've had fun together. Next time, don't leave me out!"

I laughed aloud. Had we ever been this close for such casual banter? A second beep followed: "How about tomorrow? Let's skip school together. What do you think?"

A smile tugged at the corners of my mouth. I hesitated, then thought, Maybe this is the kind of spontaneity I need right now. Typing back, I replied, "You know what, George? Tomorrow sounds tempting. How about we make it an adventure and explore somewhere new? I'm in if you are."

A moment later, his reply came through, full of excitement: "Deal! Let's make it a day to remember. See you tomorrow, partner in mischief!"
" just joking. Let's meet in school tomorrow" He really knows how to take in jokes.
I placed my phone on the nightstand and drifted off to sleep

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