002. ─── tía victoria

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wake up !

└── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──┘

CONSIDERING SHE HAD AN ACTUAL CONVERSATION WITH A GHOST, KAT WAS FEELING PRETTY NORMAL ABOUT IT. The table had been set for the four of them, plus they decorated what would've been Rose Molina's place at the table as though she were still there.

"So," Ray turned his attention to Julie as he began to dish out the spaghetti to each of the three children. "Carlos tells me he found you in the studio."

"She was out there talking to herself. Especially since Kat was being weirdly silent," Carlos answered.

Kat looked up from her plate and swallowed the spaghetti she had just chewed on. "Well, I ─ I wasn't entirely being silent, I was just listening. . . to Julie run lines."

Julie looked over at her, and then nodded slowly. "Yeah. I was rehearsing for a play."

"Hello, hello!" a woman's voice called.

Everybody at the table stopped eating and shared the same wide-eyed gaze. It was Julie's tía, Victoria, who came over pretty frequently. She was the one convincing Ray to sell the house and urge the family to move on from Rose's passing, although it was clear to Kat that the Molina family didn't want to move.

"Oh, busted!" Carlos exclaimed.

"Yeah, we're in here!" Ray yelled to her before lowering his voice. "Quick!"

Kat, Julie, Carlos, and Ray all scrambled to hide the spot at the table that they had set for Julie's mom. Once the spot was completely cleared, all of them went back to eating like normal.

Victoria exhaled loudly as she walked into the kitchen. "Spaghetti? Again? Oh, hola Kat."

"Hola, señorita Victoria," Kat answered back.

"Yeah," Ray answered with a fake smile.

"That's too bad. I brought you my pasteles and arroz con pollo."

Julie turned to look at her aunt. "Thanks, tía. It smells great."

Victoria waved her off. "You can have it tomorrow. I can't let you have leftovers every night, especially if you have Kat over for dinner as well. My sister would kill me, may she rest in peace." She approached the table and stood by the empty spot between Kat and Carlos. "Oh. . . I see things here are going better?"

"Actually. . ." Ray began. "Julie has been cleaning out mom's studio. Hopefully, we can get the house on the market and get some offers soon."

Kat frowned at that. She really didn't want the Molinas to move away.

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