Imagine 10: Her Name, Alexia 💋 (Pt. 2/Finale) (Vox)

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requested by hoplessromantic4356

Pairing: OC! Deer Demon! Alastor's daughter! Alexia x Vox

*summary: Three months after meeting Alexia, Vox finds himself falling for her, though will she return the same feelings?*

"Voxy where R U?🥺"

Vox feels his phone buzz in his pocket, and out of curiosity, he pulls it out to see Alexia's name attached to the message.
With a little smile, he responds.

"Just finishing up on some last minute crap
here. Don't worry, I won't forget our date tonight😉"

"Good🤭 I'll see you soooooon!"

A little chuckle escapes Vox's lips, as he finds himself wanting to consider typing three little words to end the conversation, but his better judgment tells him not to.

Vox sighs, throwing a hand up to his forehead.
He doesn't even know when or how it happened. Three months ago, he met her at a party. The two of them chatted, had a few drinks, and hit it off pretty well.

Originally, his plan for her was to simply USE Alexia just to tick off Alastor, but he finds that plan beginning to backfire.

Reasons why, is because he's slowly starting to fall for her.

Vox can't even believe that he's reached this point. The IRONY too! Alexia is the daughter to Alastor, and now Vox is falling for her?!

It's almost sickening. the same time, he can't help but enjoy it too.
He's a man who always wants what he can't have, and right now, he wants Alexia.

Though is that something he can actually have? Or is it forbidden?

Guess he'll just have to see when tonight comes.


Alexia snuggles up against Vox, playfully dipping her hand in the bowl of popcorn on his lap, while the two of them sit at Vox's futuristic house and watch the latest movie he helped produce.

Could be better, he thinks to himself. But at least it's not terrible.
It's enough to feed the slobs here in Hell, so that's fine with Vox.

With a little exhale, Alexia chuckles.
"Interesting movie."

Vox raises a brow. It's the first thing she's spoken since the movie started.
"Is that your way of saying you don't like it?" He jokes.

She laughs. "No, I like it," she pops a handful of popcorn into her mouth, chewing softly before swallowing. "It's cute but kinda slow."

"Like you?" Vox remarks, chuckling when he receives a playful smack to his chest.
"Very funny," she glares, before crossing her arms over her chest and sinking lower into her side of the couch.

Vox sighs. "It was just a joke, babe, don't get worked up."
"You just think you're sooooo funny," she rolls her eyes, the little deer ears of hers twitching every so slightly.

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