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They say that time heals all wounds.

It's a funny thing, though, because wounds don't heal. They disappear, maybe, the pain lessens, sure. But they're still there.

Hidden beneath layers upon layers of scar tissue that form with the time that passes, but still they remain.

So, if anything, time buries all.

...If only time could move any faster though.

Moon Yu-jin resists the urge to bury her face in the crook of her elbow as the clock on the wall slowly ticks, second by second.

She can't waste her day thinking of trivial stuff like this, like it'll do her any good.

With some effort, the girl sits up straight and forces her eyes to focus on the paper in front of her, the numbers seeming to swim along the sides.

Something about t-intervals and z-intervals and chi-square tests for goodness of fit....

Yu-jin briefly rests her eyes before setting to work. She can already feel a headache coming on.


"I don't understand why you care so much," Tae-Sung absent-mindedly comments, his head swiveling around like an owl as the two walk.

It's afterschool now, and though Yu-jin had argued against it, she ultimately ended up agreeing that she should wander around town with Tae-Sung before heading home.

Of course she had agreed, she always agrees.

"The test is 20% of my grade, Tae-sung, of course I care," Yu-jin half-heartedly explains to him, though her words fall upon deaf ears. Yu-jin has no doubt that they will repeat this conversation at least two more times by the end of just this month alone.

"Ooh, there!" Tae-Sung excitedly points to the DVD store to their right and places a hand on Yu-jin's backpack, ushering her forward.

Yu-jin ignores the way her heart treacherously, almost shamefully leaps at his push.

How long has it been, since she first started noticing these changes? Since her breath first started quickening, her pupils dilating, each and every time Tae-sung came into view?

It can't be that long, only a year or two now. Maybe this will be the year she'll finally tell him, though who is she kidding. He's been in an on-and-off relationship with Choi Ga Hyeon for the last couple of months.

Speaking of, she hasn't heard much about that girl from Tae-sung lately.

"Hey," Yu-jin starts as they step in the store, the ring of a bell distantly registering in her head. "How's it going with.. uh what's her name again, Choi Ga Hyeon?" She tries not to sound too curious, finger trailing a DVD as they pass.

Tae-sung's step falters for a second, though he quickly plays it off so confidently that Yu-jin almost thinks she had imagined it.

"Oh, her." Tae-sung stops and leans down to peer at Yu-jin, a cunning smile on his face. "Why're you asking, you interested?"

Yu-jin rolls her eyes, forcing her heartbeat to slow down. Why she fell for this player of a man she doesn't know.

From the Sidelines - Tae SungWhere stories live. Discover now