Now whats this quarter pounder doing in my pocket?

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Velvet was getting out of her car, grabbing all of her individual things that she had neglected to put in a purse. She grabbed her phone, cigarettes, lighter, keys, and the bag of food she'd gotten.

She'd been doing some independent work for a dance company that had hired her for a few weeks, and was unhappy about the amount of work she'd had to do. Not to mention she was a backup dancer. Backup!

Whatever, she thought, heading up the stairs to her and Veneer's apartment. She unlocked the door, stepping in and seeing Ritz on the couch with Veneer.

"Oh, what? You didn't tell me he was over, I didn't get food for him," Velvet griped.
"You got Mcpigs!" Veneer jumped up excitedly, accidentally dodging a kiss from Ritz. Veneer's face went from a smile to a pout, wondering if he really wanted to eat that.

Velvet didn't really appreciate how Veneer referred to McDonald's as Mcpigs, but whatever. Veneer was weird.

"But wait- you didn't get any. You should have mine baby," Veneer said, looking to Ritz.
Ritz sat up and draped an arm around Veneer, kissing his cheek. "I'm about to have dinner with my mom, remember? I'll save my appetite. You eat." He assured.

"Awe, but I was doing so good today." Veneer pouted. Velvet looked at Ritz expectedly. Ritz was oblivious to Veneer's eating habits actually being bad. It sort of went over his head, he thought of it as one of those problems more effeminate guys just had.

"Whatever, I'll save it for you." Velvet rolled her eyes. She was really done with Veneer being weird about weight.

"I should probably head out soon, ok?" Ritz said to Veneer. Veneer nodded, sitting contently back on the couch. "One more episode?" He asked hopefully, pushing his green hair out of his face. "One more. Then I go." Ritz agreed.

As hungry as Velvet was, she decided to wait. She went to the fridge and found some cold pasta to scarf down. Veneer was glancing at the bag of food she had left tauntingly on the counter from time to time. Velvet took notice of this.

She knew Veneer wouldn't eat in front of Ritz.

Truthfully, she felt guilty about how self aware Veneer was about his weight. She had to admit to herself it was partially her fault. She had been so particular about how they ate when they were in the music scene, weighing them both in and counting calories.
It hadn't caused much of a long term affect on her, she didn't really care. She thought she was hot shit no matter how she looked. That was just Velvet.

But Veneer was a bit more sensitive. Veneer was a lot more bothered by how people perceived his appearance. He had internalized everything Velvet said and did.

And Velvet had made him feel like if he were anything but underweight, people wouldn't like him. Maybe if Velvet hadn't been so harsh about how she had kept track of both of their weight, it wouldn't have stayed with Veneer so much. Maybe it wouldn't have had such a negative affect. Velvet had only been trying to help, after all.

Ritz eventually left, and Veneer protested loudly for about ten minutes or so before he was finally out of the door.

Veneer flopped back down on the couch, sighing dramatically. Velvet shut the fridge, and walked over to lean on the counter that faced the living room.

Veneer peeked over at her. She stared at him.
"Ritz is gone, you can eat now." She said flatly.
Veneer pursed his lips.

"I dunno, I'm trying to make it the whole day..." he said, a little guilty that Velvet had waisted the money. Velvet rolled her eyes. "Come to my room." She ordered, taking the bag of food and expecting Veneer to follow.

Aftermath {Velvet and Veneer Oneshots}Where stories live. Discover now