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    Velvet stood a in line at the venue they were visiting, right in front of Orchid. They were at one of Velvet's most frequented places, Stardust Venue. Or just "The Star" to the regulars. But Orchid didn't know that yet. Velvet wanted to teach her. She wanted to show her everything.

    Velvet, obviously, knew everybody at the place. From the bar tenders to the girls that worked the front. She of course knew her friend, Peaches, who was manning tickets could get her in for free, and would most likely be able to get Orchid in as well. Given her manager wasn't there.

   Velvet glanced back at Orchid. She really wanted to make a good impression on her. With The Star. Orchid had seemed just the slightest bit off all night. Nobody else would have noticed. But Velvet noticed. She took great pride in being able to pick up in the slightest change in anyone's demeanor.

    Orchid was standing a foot behind her, eyes on something or other else in the distance. Usually Orchid was hanging all over Velvet. Velvet eyed her. She stood with one hand in her pocket, the other cupping her own cheek.

   Velvet took a chance and linked their arms, awaiting Orchid's reaction. Orchid instinctively turned and smiled at Velvet, looking down at their linked arms and then back up to her. Velvet smiled back, a bit relieved.

   Usually Orchid was the one to initiate any physical contact. So Velvet reaching out to her first was a delight.

   Velvet never asked anybody if they were ok even if they seemed off, she knew they would lie to people please and say they were fine. So she never asked such silly questions. She observed.

   They reached the front of the line relatively quickly. Sure enough Velvet's friend Peaches awaited them, just as expected. Peaches motioned for Velvet to lean in close so she could speak discreetly to her. Velvet did so.

    "I'm sorry love, my manager's here. I'm only allowed one freebie per show. I can get ya in but you'll have to buy a ticket for your friend there," she said apologetically.

    "You're not sold out right?" Velvet inquired, already pulling her small purse up to open it and dig around for her card.
   "Naw. Not on a night like this," Peaches said, gesturing to the small crowd. Velvet handed over her card.
    "Good. I'll get it for her then," Velvet said sweetly. She glanced back at Orchid who was starring off again.

   Velvet got a stamp on her hand, and received a physical ticket for Orchid. She pictured Orchid taking it home as a keepsake, as she often did with anything Velvet gave her. Her heart fluttered and she told it to stop.

   Peaches stepped out of the way of the door to let the two girls in, and Velvet had to turn around once again and give a gentle "come on," to her date.
   "Oops- sorry, coming," Orchid said, shaking her head and following Velvet in.

    "Here's your ticket," Velvet said, handing the ticket to Orchid and half expecting her to become excited. Orchid starred at it blankly.

    "Where's your ticket?" She asked, taking the piece of paper from Velvet and slipping it into her pocket. Velvet felt a little let down that Orchid was a little bit uncharacteristically unenthusiastic about receiving something from the girl she usually fawned over.

    "You only get an actual ticket if you buy it." Velvet explained.
     "Oh. Wait, did you just buy this? Velvet, I thought you said you can get me in for free!" Orchid said, seeming a bit upset. That was definitely out of character for her.

   Velvet made a face. "Yeah, but it's no big deal." she reasoned.
"How much did you just pay for this! Ah- Velvet," Orchid whined, clearly displeased.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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