Chapter 11 - Third Degree

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I was taken to the police station, and seated on the chairs. A man came up to me, his badge saying Smith. They finger print me telling me it's 'protocol' and that I 'shouldn't worry'. I get taken into a room, that looks like an interrogation room. 

"We're deeply sorry to say this Derek, but, your family is dead. Bodies burnt unrecognisable. Except, Peter Hale who we found unconscious, now in a coma to help his healing of the third degree burns."

"They're all dead."

"Except for Peter, yes."

"We would like to find family for you to stay with but first ask you a few questions." Officer Smith asked "Is that okay?"

"I guess so." He takes out a note pad and seats opposite me.

"How many people were at home?"



"We have family reunions every year."

"Why?" He presses for more information

"I don't know, we just do."

"Was there anyone there that wasn't part of the family."

"My girlfriend Paige."

"Why was she there?"

"I just wanted to introduce her to my family."

"Where were you and Paige during the start of the fire?"


"Why?" His 'why?''s are really starting to annoy me.

"We wanted a break form the hecticness."

"You call is hectic?"

"Nineteen other people in a room talking. It's quite hectic."

"What did you do when you saw the fire?"

"I grabbed Paige's hand and ran."

 "Last question. Is there anyone that doesn't like your family?"

"There might be a few unforgiving family's from centuries back."

"Can you give us some names?"

I think about this for a second. Should I say the Argent's? Would that just make them madder and come after me again? Would the werewolf secret get out?

"No." I settle on

"Okay then. Can you give s the address of your girlfriend Paige?"

"Can I go get her myself. Cop cars would scare her."

"Okay then."


I bring Paige back to the station. I wrap my arms around her waist. 

"I don't know why but I want to say be careful." She smiled up at me.

I kissed her, long and slow, until a voice broke us a part

"Paige Krasikeva, we're ready for you now."

"I love you." I say to Paige.

"I love you too." She says before turning her back and leaving.


Five minutes late Paige walks out. 

"Can we talk to you Derek?" Asks Officer Smith

"I'll be back Paige." I say and walk into the room 

"Well we have done an investigation. We found no way the fire could have started. What we have found suggests that it would have started with gasoline and a match."

"Okay." I say slowly

"We're ruling it unfinished. We're planning on continuing it as a silent investigation until the trail runs cold."

"We have found a family member you can stay with in Colorado, but if your planning on having a funeral you can stay with a friend for the time being."



I'm at Paige's house for dinner. Her family have offered to have me stay for a while. For 2 weeks until my family's funeral, We're going to do a traditional werewolf funeral. Then I'm moving to Colorado. Paige know's but we'll talk about that later. 


So there we go. That's the chapter.

How did you like that?

What's happening with everyone.

ER MER GERD Have you seen the new Teen Wolf. ER MER GERD!! 

I have another teen wolf fanfic called 'Living in Beacon Hill' Where I add in another character into season 4. I also have another werewolf story called 'My Pack' and an original story I'm going to start working on called 'Living with the Carters'

I have stock piled my story chapters so expect them more regularly.

There is two more chapters left and there will be a epilogue.

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Have a good day, night, weekday, weekend, week and life.


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