Chapter 2

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Chapter Warnings: None
Word Count: 2,525

•••Sage Valentina•••

"It's late, they should've made it back by now." She was right, it was getting darker by the minute. It shouldn't have been longer than an hours trip. "Worrying won't make it better." Dale was worried too, he cared about Andrea and Amy like they were his own children.

"Hello? Basecamp? Can anybody out there hear me? Basecamp this is T-dog. Anybody hear me?" Next thing I know everyone was running for the C.B., desperate to get a word from them. "Hello? Hello? Receptions bad on this end. Repeat. Repeat." Dale being the first one. The rest of us staring up at him.

"Shane, is that you?" T-dog says out through the static. "Is that them?" I turn my head towards Lori. "He said T-dog, did he not?" Rolling her eyes at me and looking back up to Dale. "We're in some deep shit. We're trapped in the department store." It was coming out hazy but I could make out every word. "He say they're trapped?"

Dropping my head down, glancing over to Amy. I know she badly wished to be out there with her sister. "There are geeks all over the place! Hundreds of 'em! We're surrounded!" I look back up to Dale on the RV. "T-dog, repeat that last. Repeat." But he was no longer there. Just the static.

"He said the department store." Lori pipes up. I let a sigh fall from my mouth. "Yeah. Said they were surrounded too." Lori looks at me with big eyes- eyes full of fear. "Shane?" Her same look now directed towards him.

"No way. We do not go after them. We do not risk the rest of the group. Y'all know that." He was right, it was hard to hear, but he was right.

"So we're just gonna leave them there?" Looking over to Amy, who had tears threatening to fall. "Look, Amy, I know this is not easy-" She cuts him off, getting closer to him. "She volunteered to go- to help the rest of us." Shane sighs, resting his hands on his hips. "I know, and she knew the risks, right? See, if she's trapped, she's gone. So we just have to deal with that. There's nothing we can do." That wasn't the right choice of words he should've used.

"She's my sister, you son of a bitch." She whips around and storms off. Shane looks at Lori, nodding his head in the direction the blonde ran off to. She nods, catching on and heading off to calm the younger girl.

Shane walks off in another direction, leaving everyone back to their duties. "You think they'll get out of there?" I turn my head to my right, being met with Carl. "Gotta stay faithful. Have some faith for the ones who don't." He looks down, before picking his head back up. "Are you?" I sigh a bit, stuck on how to answer the kid. "I'm trying." I tell the boy truthfully. He smiles up at me, and I ruffle up the boys hair, both of us leaving to help around.

---Hours Later---

I was now doing elevator pushups, working out was the only way to help pass time when work around camp was finished early. It was as well another way to distract myself from worrying about the others trapped in the city.

Carl had been reading his comic aloud to me. He loved reading his comic books. Almost as much as he loved he did both. That was his way of passing time. The sound of a siren blaring loudly took that from us.

Jumping up with the others, we all head towards Dale who had been keeping watch. "Talk to me, Dale!" Shane roars loudly from beside me. Dale looking around with binoculars, "I can't tell yet." Amy now piping in, voice full of worry. "Is it them? Are they back?" The stress and anticipation was going to give me grey's.

"I'll be damned." I look up to see Dale had his binoculars set on something. "What is it?" He pulls the binoculars away from his face, but not looking directly at anyone, still staring off at the same spot. "Stolen car is my guess." The siren got louder in an instant.

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