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chronicles of a fallen star:





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anchored into the stone ground was a mural of a rather magnificent size. mighty and tall as it stood, before the mural tattered with prophetic engravings was a young adolescent.

merely 16 years of age, she bore a vast fascination for the arcana of magic. held in her hands was an aged, thick book of records wholly containing the forsaken knowledge of magic.

more intriguingly, the book was left unfinished. the pages beyond the 210th were blank, devoid of content and information.

the engravings on the mural seemed to change once every five centuries. the people of the village would call it a foresight of the gods' mercy, although not understanding what the engravings had meant.

yet with the ancient book the young girl held in hand, it contained the full insight of the engravings. the engravings of which represented the birth of new magic.

the girl, despite being rather weak, possessed a kind of rare magic that was once lost eons ago within her lineage. the people of her village had called her a miracle that descended from the heavens.

as magic was said to be a blessing from the gods, she was graced with the treasured sealing-based magic. whether binding one object to another, or safely storing away precious items, her magic served a purpose to aid.

before her very eyes as they widened, the carvings of the mural started to glow, golden glimpses of pure light wisping around it as the prophetic image started to morph.

that day marked the end of 500 years. a new prophecy was born. simultaneously, the ancient book started to envelop itself in a sinister, scarlet aura. the 211th page was then writing itself, enlightening it's texts with new knowledge.

the birth of new magic. just what would the girl discover this time? she curiously flipped open the cover, turning the pages to the latest writing.

it was nothing remotely similar to what she had expected.

it was supposed to be information of new magic─ but the text before her eyes said otherwise. it was no information of new magic, but rather, exposure of forbidden magic.

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