chapter eight

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Charles couldn't help but stare at Rory as she laughed at something he said. They were walking through the streets of Andorra, hand in hand, exploring the local shops and cafes that lined the cobblestone streets.

"Hey," Rory nudged him with her elbow, a mischievous look in her eye, "stop staring, you're making me blush."

Charles chuckled, feeling a warmth spread through him at her playful teasing, and pulled her closer to him. "Can't help it, mon amour, you're just too beautiful."

Rory rolled her eyes but couldn't hide the smile that tugged at her lips. "Smooth, Leclerc." Their lips connected in a small kiss.

They continued the stroll through the small town, making the most out of their time together that was quickly coming to an end.


Charles knocked once...twice...and three times and no one answered the door. So he picked up his phone and called the person whose front door he was outside of.

"Hi chérie, I'm outside, if you could come..." the door slammed open.

"I'm so sorry, my alarm didn't ring and I just fell asleep and now I'm late..." they both walked inside the house, "you can go if you want to and I will just uber there or something.

"Amour," Charles grabbed her shoulders and turned her to face him, "don't worry, go get ready and I will be here waiting for you. I agreed to take you today, I'm not backing down from that." Charles kissed her forehead and walked into her kitchen leaving her standing there looking into nothing.

Aurora turned her gaze to Charles and admired as he tried to find what he was looking for in her kitchen. He was making this impossible for her.

Charles stopped cutting the strawberries and admired as Rory went up the stairs still in her cute little pajamas and a smile grew on his face. But he quickly shook it off, he couldn't be mixing things up, he had agreed to be just her friend and if he wanted to stay in her life just friends would be it.

As Rory rushed to get ready, Charles busied himself in the kitchen, preparing a simple breakfast for them both. The familiar tone of the song that Rory had put on while she was getting ready made the silent space welcoming.

As Rory descended the stairs, "Hey, are you all ready?", a warm smile lighting up his face. She looked beautiful, despite her rushed morning, and he couldn't help but feel a surge of affection for her.

"Breakfast is almost ready," Charles said, gesturing towards the table where he had laid out plates and utensils. "Sit down and relax for a moment."

Rory nodded gratefully, taking a seat at the table as Charles finished up the last few touches on their meal. They fell into an easy conversation as they ate, discussing their plans for the day and sharing lighthearted anecdotes from their past adventures.

After breakfast, Rory hurried to gather her things, while Charles collected the dishes and put them in the dishwasher. "All ready to go."

Rory stood in front of Charles with a cute smile on her face and seeing that he had put the dishes away she reached up and gave him a sweet kiss on the cheek making Charles blush.

When they arrived at the paddock, Charles parked the car and turned to face her, his expression softening with sincerity. "Are you sure about this?" he asked quietly, his gaze searching hers for reassurance.

Rory hesitated for a moment, her heart pounding in her chest. Getting out of the car at the same time as him would mean that people would see them together and like every time they see a new woman getting out of Charles car dating rumors would arise and their little arrangement would be made public.

"I'm sure," she replied, her voice steady despite the flutter of uncertainty within her. "Thank you for doing this with me, Charles. I appreciate it more than you know." She reached for his hand and gave it a good squeeze.

Charles smiled at her, squeezing her hand back. "I'll be here for you, Rory. No matter what happens."

With a nod of gratitude, Rory waited until he got out of the car and then got out, already feeling the cameras on them and hearing the people calling for him. Charles walked around the car to her side.

"You okay?" He squeezed her arm gently.

She nodded and he reached out gripping her hand through his as they made their way through the people that were there to receive him. Rory hung back a little bit and admired him as he interacted with his fans, signing things and taking pictures with them.

Throughout all the time she had known him and the first week of their deal, she had never seen him in this environment, surrounded by the people that loved him in his home country. It was a beautiful sight.

Charles turned around to see where Rory was and when he saw the smile on his face he couldn't help but mimic it which led to a couple of photos from the fans.

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