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Doctor : it will create a problem only (seriously) nowadays girls don't want to breastfeed their baby. You guys are too busy by checking your reports it seems your baby must be two or three months old as stitches are not that old (going through her report )

Girl :(shocked ) what are you even saying doctor ,baby.......  Breastfeeding......... Stitches. I am not able to understand (confused) .

Doctor : (shocked) but how is this possible you are lactating and you are not feeding your baby that's why you are facing this pain. It clearly says that you were pregnant and by analysing your stitches it seems you delivered a baby approx two or three months ago.

The girl was sitting there numb but the doctor shook her

Doctor : are you fine? Miss kapoor. (Concerned )

Girl : yeah! I should leave now. Thank you doctor.

Doctor : but...

Till then the girl left.

Girl's pov

You have to answer me dad. Why did  you do this? Why did you hide it from me. It was my right to know about my baby. I am feeling betrayed by my own fucking father (hitting the staring wheel )


Girl : (shouting) dad ! Dad!...

Man : what happened princess (cupping her face)

Girl :(jerking his hands away) where is my baby Mr. Kapoor.

Man : beta you.....

Cutting him

Girl : (yelling) where the hell is my baby? Answer me Mr. Kapoor...........


So this is my new story. Please vote if you like the story line.

It's a abhirohi story with a totally different concept from the show(yrkkh) . Only the characters are same with some additional characters . There is no intension to hurt someones feeling....

Thank you

Your writer


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