Chapter 3 - Origami

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Rikihito's POV

After finishing with cleaning, I started peeling the Mandarin Oranges one by one before putting it in the clean, indigo bowl with seashells in it and a Clampearl. I had washed the bowl before I put the Mandarin oranges in it cause, I don't even want to give my guest a dirty bowl with fresh fruits.

I placed the bowl on the Neon green tray for some reason and gently lifted it before, leisurely walking to Genny's room (used to be called a guets room before I met Genta).

Luckily, the door to Genny's room is open making it easier for me to enter with a tray with a bowl of Mandarin Oranges. When I entered the room, I witness Carvanha and Numel sleeping on their beds while, Genny was making origami.

I placed the tray near Genny and started asking him a question "How did you learn Origami?" Genny took a glanced at me and smiled before answering "I learnt it from the kind lady in the orphanage." I tilted my head "A lady from an orphanage?" I replied and Genny nodded.

"Do you want to learn how to do origami?" Genny offered I smiled "Sure!" I accepted "But, you better make sure you eat those Mandarin Oranges." I reminded Genny "Ok!" Genny replied as he made space for me.

Genny was next to the Mandarin Orange while I kneeled down beside him as I, grabbed a blood red paper from the side. Genny started to show on how to do it and I observed whilst also doing it.

After a while, Genny ate half of the Mandarin Oranges while, my origami looked like Groundon and Kyogre made a baby on accident.

I stared at my deformed looking origami with a werid look on my face, when I glanced at Genny he seems to be ok with it. "That's ok Riki!" Genny replied politely with a smile on his face.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. "I'll get it!" I insisted as I got up and walked towards the wooden door.

I leisurely opened the door and gasped, a person wearing a red hoodie, black sunglassess, a white mask, red boots and baggy trousers.

"Hello there!" The random person greeted at my door.

To Be Continued.......

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