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The final cheers of fans could be heard as the band of 5 Seconds Of Summer walked off stage for the last time that night, physically (and partly mentally) exhausted from the ninety minute show they had just put on.

Luke Hemmings tentatively made his way over to one of the couches that were backstage, with his fellow band mates awkwardly following him. They each sat down, Michael Clifford and Calum Hood, being the last in sat on the opposite couch, Calum scooted as far away from Michael as he could. Each of the boys kept their eyes low as the thick awkward and unsure tension built up.

Ashton Iwrin, usually confident and optimistic was the first to speak up.

"Great show, eh lads?" His voice shook, full of uncertainty and even disappointment. He gazed upwards to see that no one had taken any notice of what he had said, each of his band mates seemed to be in their own worlds until Calum decided he would get up and leave.

"No. You're not leaving. Sit." Michael ordered sternly, staring at his best friend with cold eyes. Calum scurried back to his prior seat. Luke looked to Calum, wanting to give him a reassuring look, or just a smile that could make him the slightest bit happy but Calum wasn't looking at Luke, he was back to staring at the ground, instead Luke caught Michaels angry gaze, which to Luke was very intimidating. The youngest boys' eyes soon found the ground again.

Both Luke and Calum felt like they had done something awful. Honestly there was nothing wrong with what they had done, Luke just wanted to make Calum happy. It just wasn't the right place or time and at least one of them knew that.

Thoughts were interrupted with the tapping of Ashton's foot. It was a nervous habit. And to people with not a lot of patience it could get quite annoying.

"Okay!" Michael burst out, causing Ashton to jump slightly and abruptly stop his foot tapping and Luke and Calum to turn to the currently black haired nineteen year old.

"I think both Ash and I," Michael spat out quickly glancing to Ashton, "Would love to hear an explanation." He smiled sarcastically while eyeing the two younger boys bitterly.

No one opened their mouths though, what was there to explain? Everyone saw it. Calum was sure there'd be videos of it on YouTube or spread throughout Twitter already.

Luke couldn't understand why Michael would be so angry, it's not like Luke spilt coffee on his Xbox or something. It was just a simple kiss to Calum's lips. Both boys were caught up in the moment when it happened, they were performing Wrapped Around Your Finger, a particularly calming and wonderful song.

With rosy red cheeks Calum pulled away from Luke to sing his verse, forgetting his words, all while fans erupted into deafening cheers and Michael sent daggers to the extremely happy blonde boy who was to busy intently staring at someone else to notice.

"So no one's gonna say anything? Well I guess that tells us how much you trust us, doesn't it Ash?" Michael was yelling and getting up to leave, each of his band mates, including 20 year old Ashton, were scared shitless. "Oh and Calum, didn't you say you were straight, like two hours ago? Sure doesn't fucking seem like it."

Michael left the room, slamming the door harshly. Calum followed Mikey leaving Luke and Ashton alone. Ash let out a shaky breath he'd been holding in and looked to Luke with sympathetic eyes.

"He'll be over it by tomorrow, he'll realise he's got no reason to be angry and he'll come back begging for forgiveness, don't you worry Luke." Ashton said while slinging an arm over Luke's shoulders, he could see how scared Luke was. Mikey got angry often, but never that angry.

"I hope so." Luke said as he relaxed into Ashton's grasp. They stayed silent, Luke's head resting on Ashton's shoulder and Ashton's arm around Luke, for a while, comforting each other with their presences. Until shouting began from the other side of the door.

"You have a shower, go to bed and I'll sort them out alright?" Ashton told Luke while getting up.

"Alright, thanks Ash, love you." Luke smiled gratefully and mumbled a 'goodnight' before heading off to his room, undressing and taking a shower.

Hot droplets of water splattered over his body, washing away dirt and sweat and a few of his worries. Although it wasn't enough to get his mind off things. Luke sighed and twisted the handles off.

At least now there was no yelling. Ashton must have managed to get the two boys to stop fighting.

Luke grabbed one of the clean white towels and wrapped it around his body. He looked at his reflection in the mirror before sighing and exiting the bathroom, carrying his clothes into his room.

Sitting on the edge of his bed was Calum, looking down to his swinging feet. As Luke entered the room Calum's eyes didn't move from his shoes. Luke couldn't fully see Calum's face but from what he could see it looked like Calum had been crying.

"Hey Cal, you alright?" Luke wasn't quite sure what to say. He went over to his suitcase, picking up some boxers and a shirt while waiting for Calum's reply.

"I guess, just a bit shaken up y'know?" Calum looked up to Luke to see that his towel was on the ground and he was pulling his boxers up. Calum couldn't help but admire Luke's nice little ass and amazing back muscles.

"I just don't understand why Mikey was so mad." Luke sighed while pulling his shirt over his head and sitting down next to Calum, wiping Calum's few tears away with his thumbs. He leant his head on Calum's shoulder.

"Your hairs wet Luke." Calum stated, not even minding.

"No but seriously, do you know why he's so mad?" Luke took his head off Calum's shoulder faced him, their faces nearly touching.

"I'd rather tell you tomorrow Lukey, I think we've had enough drama today." Calum told him. "I'd rather just spend tonight with you, with no drama. Please Luke?"

"Alright," Luke couldn't say no to something as sweet as that. He fell backwards onto his bed, staring at the roof. Calum soon joined him.

Hours later they still were in the same positions.

"You know Calum, your so beautiful." Luke turned his head to Calum. Calum did the same and Luke could see his huge toothy smile.

"And your perfect." Now Luke was grinning like and idiot. "It's so amazing how far we've come." Calum said before looking straight into Luke's eyes and continued his talking. Luke was hardly listening though because he was so preoccupied with admiring his boyfriend or whatever they were.

"I'm pretty sure I'm in love with you Calum." Luke said. Calum looked shocked for a few seconds, that got Luke worried.

"I do to, I mean I am. Luke I love you." Calum told him. All Luke's worries flew out the window as his grabbed Calum and pulled him into a passionate kiss. They pulled away from each other, both grinning like idiots.

"You make me so happy Luke." Calum whispered.



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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2015 ⏰

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