25. Fighter

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Call me fighter, I'll mop the floor with you

Call me lover, I'll take you for a drink or two

You blinked your eyes awake, shifting on the slightly torn couch you were resting on.

Couch? Just where were you?

Sitting up, drowsiness didn't leave you just yet, it clung onto you like a koala to a tree, making your rub your eyes and/or yawn into your hand. "Ah! Velvette! You're awake!" Grim meowed, turning to you and spreading his arms and paws out in yay.

You yawned, careful not to ruin your makeup, you turned to the other resident, who was currently talking with the ghosts next to Grim, "You alright? You passed out after meeting with Crowley.." Yuu asked, concern painting his features, he felt bad for not noticing your weakened state.

"Yeah... it's probably just a headache, I feel a lot better now though" you waved your hand in front of your face, you really did feel better, 'It's probably from staying up so late and randomly eating a proper meal..' you deduced, but when you try and put two and two together. You just couldn't remember what really happened while meeting with Crowley...

"Ah! She woke up so now we can do a fair three on three!" One of the ghosts cheered.

You pursed your lips into a straight line and raised your eyebrows, "Yuu can't use magic" you reminded, making Yuu pout next to you, "wowww, what a way to sugarcoat it Velvette" he rolled his eyes.

"Oh.. I don't care! It's not official so come onn!" The bigger ghost cheered, making you shrug, stretching out your body you played with your magical pen in the air to wake yourself up, turning back to the ghosts and Grim.

"Alright, lets play"

Yuu held a camera that Crowley had apparently given to him, he was off to the side of the make shift field that you all had made, you were tossing your magical pen to land back into your palm and up again, shifting your weight to one foot. You had a pair of sneakers on instead of your usual Mary Jane's or platforms.

"Don't worry about the rules for now, just get the disc to the goal!" The skinny ghost encouraged, shooting you and Grim a thumbs up, Grim casted his own spell, the dull blue disc being engulfed in bright blue flames. Grim had a snarky expression on his face as he gets into position to start sprinting.

"Nya! Let's win this Velvette!" Grim rallied, sprinting towards the ghosts with the disc following not to far next to him, you flipped your hair before running as well. Having longer legs and experience from running form loan sharks, you easily beat Grim, being further down the field.

"AHH! FUCK!" You cursed in surprise, the smallest ghost suddenly popping in front of you, scaring you to Hell and back. Your skidded to a halt, but recovered from your shock when Grim squealed behind you, whipping your hand around, you noticed the flames around the disc was slowly dying and Grim's shocked face indicated he needed assistance.

"Controlling this thing is stupidly hard!"

With a twirl of your pen, red flames suddenly replaced the cyan ones, you swung your arms to in front of you, dragging the disc out of Grim's possession and towards you, you furrowed your eyebrows as the Ghosts effectively blocked you vision from seeing where the goal was.

𝕋𝕎𝕀𝕊𝕋𝔼𝔻 ℍ𝔼𝔸𝕍𝔼ℕ [HIATUS] ➼Twisted Wonderland x Hazbin! F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now