Author note?!

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So everyone, i'm thinking of making new troop, maybe that is gonna be..... Singer×fangirl troop.. I don't know about that maybe i'm gonna do that, but after my exams, let's see about that.

And please do hit the star button!! U all take a look atleast hit the star button it can help me alot!

Obviously my English isn't my first language and though I don't recheck my chapters! Cause I don't get time for that thing...

Please do help your author for getting famous, and trust me.... I will thank each one of you, but please make my stories famous... A small request from this author!

Thank you for wasting your time in this note! But trust me, if you give ur votes I will give my 101% and make nice chapters with many updates, mark my words meows 🎀🤍

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