Kotori talks with Erika

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One day after school, Kotori happened to be walking home alone

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One day after school, Kotori happened to be walking home alone. Soji, her childhood friend as well as their friend Kazuma had sports club activities. She then heard the voice of Erika, the gyaru girlfriend of her childhood friend: Soji. Kotori could not help but feel like things had changed drastically ever since Erika and Soji stated dating. For Kotori, it felt like she had lost the other part of herself. Kotori, Soji, Erika and Kazuma were still high school students but the four of them really got along well with each other.

She had known Soji since they were just little kids and had grown up with him. Upon stepping outside, it was raining a little bit. Kotori got out her umbrella and Erika got under it. The two girls started talking.

"Soji is lucky to have a childhood friend like you." Erika said

"Really?" Kotori asked

"Yeah. He may have the chad body type, but he really cares about his friends. He always other students and teachers. Even when I met him and Kazuma for the first time at the matchmaking party, I could tell that he was a good person. Even when I transferred here from Fukuhara High, Soji and you guys made me feel welcome. I've known you guys for some time now, and I am really close with Soji." Erika said

Kotori listened to Erika's words, feeling a mix of emotions. On one hand, she was glad that Soji had found someone who appreciated him and saw his true qualities. But on the other hand, she couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy. She had always been there for Soji, supporting him and being his confidante. Now, it seemed like Erika had taken her place.

As they continued walking, Kotori couldn't help but reminisce about the times she and Soji had spent together. They would often explore the neighbourhood, climb trees, and have picnics in the park. They were inseparable, and Kotori cherished those memories dearly. But now, it felt like those moments were slipping away, replaced by the presence of Erika.

However, Kotori knew that she couldn't let her jealousy consume her. She valued her friendship with Soji too much to let it be tainted by negative emotions. So, she decided to push those feelings aside and focus on the present moment. After all, she still had Kazuma, their mutual friend, who had always been a source of comfort and support.

As they reached a crossroad, Kotori and Erika stopped, unsure of which way to go. Kotori looked up at the sky, the raindrops falling gently on her face. She realized that despite the changes in their dynamic, their friendship was still intact. They were all still high school students, navigating the complexities of teenage life together.

With a smile, Kotori suggested, "Why don't we take a detour and grab some snacks from that new café? I heard they have the best pastries in town."

Erika's eyes lit up, and she nodded eagerly. "That sounds like a great idea! Let's go!"

As they walked towards the café, Kotori felt a sense of relief. She realized that even though things had changed, their friendship was resilient. They may have grown up and started dating, but they were still the same group of friends who had shared countless memories and supported each other through thick and thin.

And as they entered the café, Kotori couldn't help but feel grateful for the bond they all shared. No matter what happened, they would always be there for each other, navigating the ups and downs of high school life together.

She knew that no matter what, their friendship would always be there, even if the dynamics shifted and new people entered their lives. Kotori was determined to embrace the changes and continue to be there for Soji, just as she always had been.

As they sat down at a cosy corner table in the café, Kotori couldn't help but notice the genuine happiness radiating from Soji and Erika. They were laughing and joking, their eyes filled with love and affection for each other. It was a bittersweet sight for Kotori, but she knew deep down that she wanted nothing more than for Soji to be happy.

She took a deep breath and reminded herself that her friendship with Soji was not defined by romantic feelings or possessiveness. It was built on trust, understanding, and a deep connection that couldn't be easily replaced. Kotori knew that she had a special place in Soji's heart, just as he had in hers.

As they enjoyed their pastries and engaged in light hearted conversation, Kotori felt a sense of peace wash over her. She realized that her jealousy had been unfounded and that she had nothing to fear. Soji's relationship with Erika didn't diminish their friendship; it only added another layer of love and support to their lives.

Kotori made a silent promise to herself that she would continue to be there for Soji and Erika, supporting them in their relationship and cherishing the moments they shared as friends. She knew that their bond was strong enough to withstand any challenges that came their way.

And as they left the café, Kotori couldn't help but feel grateful for the growth and maturity she had gained through this experience. She had learned to let go of her jealousy and embrace the changes in her friendship, knowing that true friendship was about acceptance, love, and being there for each other no matter what.

She knew that their friendship would continue to evolve and adapt as they all grew and changed, but she was confident that their bond would remain unbreakable. Kotori understood that friendships, like any relationship, required effort and understanding, and she was willing to put in the work to maintain their connection.

Over time, Kotori watched as Soji and Erika's relationship deepened and flourished. They became a team, supporting each other through the ups and downs of life. And through it all, Kotori was there, cheering them on and offering her unwavering support.

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