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Sayori Milan Anthony

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Sayori Milan Anthony

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first person

" Sayori get cho ass up, you done made a commitment now stick to it, " My Loud mother says walking inside my room "Ma it doesn't start until 3 and it's only 11 I have enough time," I tell my mother cause why I gotta get up this early when his stuff don't even start on time like what

"Yeah it doesn't start until 3 but you going have to take a shower + your other hygienic stuff, get dressed, do your hair, eat something then we gotta go pick Kaylynn up so get up and don't make have to come in this dam room one more time," My mother says walking outside probably going to her bedroom

So my mom kinda ate me up on that so ima just get out this bed and go take my shower cause as she said I do not need her to come back in here.

- Third person -

Sayori gets out of her bed walks inside of her closet grabs her pink graphic shirt with ripped jean shorts and a pair of white socks along with her pink Airforces and closes her closet door. After laying her outfit on the bed she walks inside of her bathroom and grabs all the stuff she needs for her shower. So she adjusts the water to her liking and steps inside the shower. So she squeezes a small amount of body wash onto a loofah and gently scrubs her body, paying extra attention to areas prone to sweat and odor then rinses it off thoroughly.

After doing this a few times she grabs her facial items and rubs her face with the different her different face essentials making sure she doesn't do it too roughly. After she's done she steps out on the mat on her bathroom floor covering herself with the pink towel she has on the bathroom door. Sayori sits down on her stool and lotions her body making sure she gets her knees and arms making sure she doesn't get ashy. Sayori does the rest of her face routine then grabs her toothbrush out of the cabinet. Sayori grabs her crest toothpaste and puts it on the toothbrush. Sayori clicks the button and the toothbrush starts. She helps guide the toothbrush around her mouth making sure she doesn't do it too roughly. Sayori puts all of her items away and then walks out of the bathroom into her bedroom.

She puts on the clothes she laid on her bed ties her shoelaces and walks over to her vanity. She looks in the mirror wondering what she wants to do first her makeup or edges. Sayori simply picks makeup then grabs her lip glosses, lip liners, and mascara with the curler. She watches herself in the mirror applying the lip pencil on the edges of her mouth making sure she doesn't have too much or too little. Then she grabs her Nk lip gloss and applies it to her lips trying not to do too much.

Sayori then looks in the mirror while curling her eyelashes while being careful so she does not poker her eye out. After the girl is finished she applies the mascara onto her eyelashes.

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