Guided Fate

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Jimin POV

J-Hope and I were walking to the music room at my house. We were putting our instruments away in the music room. We were both standing, and then J-Hope leaned over and kissed me. I didn't think he meant to, I didn't know what for, but I didn't make matters better. I froze, then walked fast away from J-Hope.

The next day, J-Hope and I were in the concert show, and he was the lead singer, I played guitar . So I found a way to kind of avoid him, Jungkook was helping me who is J-Hope's boyfriend and my best friend and he is the greatest for helping me about what he didn't know, and I like to keep it that way.

Jungkook knows about what happened, but he doesn't know it was J-Hope I was talking about. Anyway Jungkook and I were shopping and talking about it, when suddenly I saw J-Hope looking at sunglasses in the same shop.

I immediately grabbed Jungkook's hand and started speed walking away, Jungkook asked, "Why the sudden rush?" and stopped me from walking any further.

By then, J-Hope caught up to us, looked at his boyfriend, and said, "Hey, um.. why were walking really fast away from me? "

Jungkook gave me a questionable look and said," Ask him, " and pointed at me.

I avoided J-Hope's concerned eyes and replied " I was just really excited, to get to the suit jacket section that's all, before it was all sold out" J-Hope seemed to believe it, but Jungkook knew I was lying because he knew that I already had suit jackets that I needed, so I didn't need to get more.

With that, we all agreed to go for dinner at a little Korean restaurant, I had to obviously say yes. Otherwise, J-Hope would know I was lying about the suit jacket section that I wanted to see and would know I was avoiding him. I can't believe it has come to this, having to avoid my best friend's boyfriend, just because he kissed me. But what he doesn't know is that I'm kind of have been in love with my best friend and his boyfriend for a while, I just never said anything because I didn't want to ruin our friendship.

So we had dinner, and J-Hope and Jungkook were talking casually, and I was quiet, hoping that they would forget I was here with them, but I guess my luck had to run out sometime . I didn't want to make it awkward. I just didn't know what else to do.

Jungkook noticed that I was quiet and said, " Are you OK? You've been really quiet this entire time. "

For Fuck Sake!

Why do I have to make things awkward with my fucking feelings?

Couldn't I just act fucking normal for once without having to tread carefully on how I feel?

Just say something!


I didn't know what to say, so I replied," Sorry, yeah, I'm OK, just lost in thoughts. You know how loud they can be, right?" I gave a nervous chuckle.

I take back what I said. Don't just say anything.

Especially that stupid!

Why did I say that?!

I could have literally said anything else.

Anything else would have been better!

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