Act 1

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Chapter 1
The ship was under siege by Phoenix.  All of us were fleeing from the troopers, trying to survive their attack.  There was fire everywhere, it was unavoidable.  It was confirmed, this would be the last of The Rebellion.

"Good morning Commander Axel,"  General Stathem exclaimed.  " How did you sleep last night?"  he asked.  To be honest, I felt horrid.  I woke up drenched in sweat from the nightmare I had last night, but I obviously couldn't tell him that.  "Fine, General Stathem.  I feel fine."  I told him with an exhausted  look on my face.  I look at my alarm clock to check the time.  May 16th, 2097 at 6:45 AM.  I take a minute to think about where I am.  I'm still on Skalatron in the Horvec system.  "Wait,"  I said out loud.  "Is today Tuesday?"  I asked General Stathem.  "Yes sir, today is Tuesday."  "Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no"  I screamed out loud, "I forgot I had a meeting with Professor Knoss!"  I rushed to put on my uniform and went to meet Professor Knoss at the lab.  Professor Knoss was an odd character, to say the least.  He worked in the Planetary Defense Organization (P.D.O.) and was the Head Scientist in Weapon Development.  He often wore this blue shirt with a rainbow polka dot tie. He also wore a pair of brown khaki pants and had a very strange version of a French accent.  The funny thing is, he isn't even French, he's Irish.  I got to the lab two hours late.  As soon as I walked in, I heard that extremely distinct accent.  " Hello, Commander Axul!"  He always pronounced my name wrong with that idiotic accent of his.  " I have plenty of business to discuss with you, no?" he exclaimed excitedly.  "Go ahead and tell me what you're making, Professor." I say in an exhausted tone.  I barely got any sleep last night, so I am having a hard time functioning.  I just hope that I can get some coffee after this meeting.  "We have found a very interesting material on a new planet we recently discovered!" Professor Knoss said with an excited tone.  "What have you called it?"  I said with slight curiosity.  "We have decided to call it Menthallium after the name of its planet of origin, Menthallia."  the Professor said with an exuberant tone.  "Very interesting! What does it do?" I asked. "Well, it is completely acid resistant and has a melting point of 10 million kelvin!"  I asked with peaking curiosity, "What can we use it for?" I asked.  "Well, we can make your troopers' exploration suits more resistant to acidic rain and more heat resistant for exploring volcanic planets." the professor exclaimed  "That's great!" I said with a joyful tone, "Get as much as you can immediately!"  "Yes sir!" the professor exclaimed.  As I walked out, I heard Professor Knoss screaming to send mining drills to the planet as soon as possible.  I quickly rushed back home to get my things before the P.D.O. got P.O'd at me.

After a long ten hours of checking equipment and giving all the generals commands, I finally get to rest my feet and relax.  I think more about my job, which is weird after a ten hour shift but it's normal, but I still think about it.  I think about what the troops even do.  Which is odd, you would expect a commander to know what their troops even do, but I don't.  Then I fell asleep in my chair a few minutes later.

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