'What's the worst that could happen?'

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"I'm what?!"

The present cheerleaders cover their ears as Yejun's screech echoes throughout the gym. They would be impressed, and maybe they would have even suggested to the coach that she be the yell queen, but they were too busy making sure they salvage their eardrums.

The cheerleading coach sighs and brings her hand up to her face, rubbing the point between her eyes. "You're off the team. Your dad stopped making donations to the school, and if we're being honest, that was the only thing keeping you here." Well, that's mean.

This morning was a good one, in Yejun's opinion. She woke up bright and early with a smile on her face and a gleam in her eyes, put on her perfectly ironed cheerleading outfit, and busted out the door. Seeing her driver in the driveway, she ran to the car and got in, making sure to greet Mr. Kim like she always did, and they were on their way.

Now, as she stands in front of her former team, she tries to hold back her tears.

As someone who never really exceeded in academics, Yejun has always relied on cheerleading to get her through high school and to put her name at the top of any list, but now that she's in college, thanks to her very rich dad, she realizes that maybe she isn't as talented as she thought she was. Her dad stops giving money, and they kick her off just like that? Ok, now she's mad. Breaking out of her thoughts, ready to demand her position back, she realizes that the gym is now empty.

Yejun looks around and spots nobody. As she finishes her circle, her eyes land on a basketball sitting in the middle of the court. Needing some way to get her anger out, she stomps up to the ball, making sure that anyone walking outside is aware of just how angry she is. She grabs the ball and, without thinking, chucks it at the basketball goal.

Her form is terrible, and she's pretty sure she broke a nail, but suddenly she hears the swish of the basketball net. Before she can form any thoughts, a booming voice cuts through the air.

"WOW!" Nearly shitting her pants, or skirt, Yejun whips around to face the entrance of the gym and spots Mr. Hwang, the basketball coach. "That was great! Your form was incredibly shitty, but we can work with it. Next team practice is tomorrow; you're in!" With that, he walks away.

Yejun is only able to sit there, wondering what the fuck just happened. She takes a couple of deep breaths, and now she's crying. Loud. So loud that the reverb is kind of hurting her ears. She rushes out of the gym, off campus, and starts to make her way home, already tired of the day.

As she walks down the sidewalk, she really thinks about the events that just played out. She has no one now. The cheerleaders weren't good friends; hell, they were the cause of most of her insecurities, but at least they were there. Even if it was just to point out her flaws. She can't be friends with anyone smart; that's not good for her reputation. She can't rely on studies because she's a dumbass, so what now?

She finally reaches her too-big house, noticing that no one is home, and walks in. She makes a beeline straight to her room and flops onto her bed. She's not worried about missing classes. What she is worried about is plummeting to the bottom of the social food chain. She's never been there before. Even before cliques were a thing, she would just buy love from whoever she deemed worthy.

As she stares at the ceiling, her mind starts to wonder about Mr. Hwang and his offer. They only have a men's team, so why would she get offered a spot? Maybe they've started a women's team and kept it on the low. It would help her keep her status, but who's she kidding? She doesn't know the next thing about basketball.

Maybe she would know something if her school's basketball team actually played games. She doesn't know why they haven't played in a while, but it probably wouldn't make much of a difference. She could barely pay attention at the cheer competitions, let alone a game that has nothing to do with her. Okay, now she sees why she got kicked off.

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