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Jayde's POV

It's been a little over a month since that phone call from Jack and I feel so bad about what happened, I thought Darius was a good guy but he soon changed. Now I wasn't really attracted to him like that but there is two sides to every person and he showed me his sweet charming side and when it was all side and done this guy is a WHOLE Lunatic!?

Listen I know what everyone is asking "who's Darius?" And honestly he was just a FRIEND but then started liking me, and me being me gave him a chance like a DUMMY!? He's worse than Eric. I thought I was done with this BS but look here I am I need to get myself and my son out of here. I have a plan to leave but I'm scared but I also can't go through this again.

The escape plan

Ok my plan to escape hopefully should go smoothly because I already put mines and Christian's stuff or what I could gather up and put the in my care making sure to hide them, then when Darius is sleep imma put Christian in my carrier grab my keys run to my car and just drive, AND NEVER LOOK BACK.


It's been a few hours and of course Darius had an attitude which only meant he was going to beat me Smh?! He beat me so bad I could barely move but I had to stay strong for my son. Once Darius fell asleep I put Christian in the carrier tiptoed downstairs grabbed my keys and ran to my car starting it up and backing out, and once I looked up I heard Darius yelling hitting my car window " YOU BITCH YOU THINK YOU CAN LEAVE ME *hits the window * STOP THIS CAR RN FUCKING NOW BITCH!?" Darius yelled " * Christian crying* it's ok baby we're getting out of here ok shhh " I said trying to calm Christian

Once i back out to the Main Street Darius hit my car again and yelled " DONT WORRY DUMB BITCH ILL FIND YOU AND ILL KILL YOU AND THAT FUCKING BABY WATCH" he yelled. Tears ran down my face as I sit here like " what am I gonna do now" look all I can do is just drive until I reach LA.

3 Days Later

After nonstop driving I finally made it to LA and the first place I went to was Jack's House. I'm a little nervous but it's the only place I know to come to rn.
*knocks* to my surprise Sammie came to the door with a shock look on her face " Sa-Sammie I-" I said before she hugged me and all I can do is cry.

Sammie's POV

When I heard someone at the door to say I was shocked was an understatement and all I could do hug Jayde and bring her and the baby inside " Jayde omg are you ok " I said concern " *crying* n-no " Jayde said " ok calm down go up stairs and just get some rest Jack not here rn he's at the studio but don't worry ok" I told Jayde " ok thank you *kisses my cheek* "

HolySHIT!? wtf happen to Jayde she's badly beaten and I already know Jack and Chris finna be on ten. Imma FaceTime call him to warn him and Chris hopefully it goes good or maybe I should tell them to get here ASAP! Yeah imma do that

* FaceTiming Jack*

Jack: Heyy Baby what's up

Sammie: Jack Chris with you

Jack: YEAHH Why? * looking concerned *

Sammie: Yall need to get to the house now like RIGHT NOW *I say serious*

Jack: WHAT!? Everything ok { yo Chris we gotta get to my like now} * Jack told Chris * Baby what's wrong man you scaring me

Sammie: *crys* Jack just get home I'll tell you everything once you get here

Jack: Alright Chris and I on the way rn do I need to call everyone else

Sammie: No Not at this moment just hurry up

Jack: Ok I'm coming I love you

Sammie: I love you too

*facetime ends*

After about 30 minutes Jack and Chris came running into the house yelling " BABE BAABBEEE" Jack yell " YOO SAMMIE WHERE YOU AT" Chris also yelled " Jack and Chris can you keep your voices down" I said walking down the stairs " Sammie wtf is going on man" Jack ask " Yeah girl you got us scared and shit what's wrong" Chris ask. I took a deep breath before I spoke because this can go one or two ways and I need them to be calm and not wake Jayde and the baby up.

" Ok loo-" I said before I seen Jayde walk down the stairs holding Christian. Chris and Jack only could stand there for a moment before Jayde just walked over and hugged them both crying " Jack Chris I'm sorry I'm so sorry * balling crying* I should've just stayed but I didn't know Darius Wa-was there at my hotel" Jayde said while crying "come on Jayde let's go sit down man *guides Jayde to the couch* Jack man come on she here come on" Chris said

We all sit in the living room and Chris grabs Christian and Jack could only let tears run down his face because Jayde is like his sister and for to see her like this beaten it ain't sitting well with him rn or Chris. " Jayde man what happened " Jack ask as his voice cracks
Jayde took a breath as I sat next to Jack trying to comfort him " Darius was a guy whom use to bring Nani {other nail tech} lunch all the time. She introduced him to me and at first I wasn't really interested but he kept asking talking about * just one date* so I was like fine after that we dated for a few months then I wanted out * tears rolling down her face* he started abusing me mentally and physically so this last time I had to get away if not for me but for Christian's sake" Jayde said while tears rolled down her face " Jayde why you didn't call someone we would've came straight to you man " Chris said " Darius destroyed my phone that same night Jack called me. And when we got back to Miami he beat me talk down to me and up until 3 days ago I left of course he tried to stop me but Darius is CRAZY so I'm sure hell come after me" Jayde said scared

Jack sat and just looked at Jayde like *I wish Darius would bust a move to come find you * this is just a lot rn and I think Jayde needs rest. " Chris you got Christian " I ask Chris " yeah I got him" Chris said " ok I'm take Jayde to get some rest because she needs it" I said taking Jayde upstairs

We get to mine and Jack's guest room and Jayde laid down and before I walk out she began to talk " Sammie I just want you to know that I love you all and I want you to let Chris and my son know I love them both very much ok please " Jayde told me as tears stream down her face " I will Jayde but we love you to what's this about" I say confused " Darius said he'll kill me and my son once he finds me but I rather he kill me then get to my son *crying* I'm tired and I don't have any fight left so please you and Jack watch over my Son and Chris " Jayde said closing her eyes

Omg this isn't finna go well at all man. Damn man this isn't my Jayde she's so broken to where she just done with everything but she has to keep fighting she has to.

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