"Riddle me this, riddle me that."

47 2 2

((For those who are confused, basically, the riddle was a father and son were driving, and got in an accident. The father dies on the scene, but the son survives. The son was brought by the ambulance, and the surgeons came to operate on his injuries. One of the surgeons said "I can't operate on my son! How can this be?" Who is the surgeon, how is this possible?))

"Hmm.. tricky.."

Pomni thought to herself for a bit, then trying to catch a little guess.

"Uh.. is it because the surgeon is the father's father?.. Or am I entirely wrong?"

"Wait! Could it be that the father's dead ghost is the surgeon..?.. No.. that doesn't make sense.."

"Hmm.. OH! The mother!! It's the mother! Because the surgeon said 'I can't perform an operation on my son. My answer is the mother."

"I hope I'm right.."

((I thought about this for a while, i didn't get it at first, XD))

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