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13 0 15

another planet sister!


Jupiter is like Saturn, but the oldest out of all the planets!

She has rings, but they are less visible than Saturn's.

Age : 29

Height : 8ft

Personality : Calm, cheerful, a bit cheeky (mischievous)

Description : Most likely the wisest out of the all. Very stern and overprotective over her sisters. A bit too strict and a little serious. Has her needs and wants but will most likely put everyone else over herself. She smells exactly like vanilla, who wouldn't like her? She is physically cold like Saturn since her orbit is more far away from Celeste (The sun) and close to Saturn, so they have the best relationship. Genuine and kind, but stern and overprotective once again, she's really stressed. If you're her friend, be ready for a bunch of affection because she'll give you ANYTHING. And that's just for starters.

Likes : Gangle, Saturn, Venus, Lunar (Moon), Lunar (Dragon), Scorpion, Pomni, Ragatha

Dislikes : Alexander (a little bit), Atlas (a little bit), Jax

(I don't hold any grudges, WE NEED DRAMA, OKAY?!)

Other characters


RED - Dislike


GREEN - Like

BLUE - Really like

PINK - Love

BLACK - Hate

Pomni - Green

Jax - Red/Yellow

Ragatha - Green

Kinger - ???

Zooble - ???

Caine - (He's an ai. No feelings.)

Gangle - Green/Blue

(ill draw her later.)

(bye you little cuties. 👋💕)

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