Forced Co-Operation

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Harry's heart sank as he glanced at the roll of parchment in his hand,  Ron had delivered it to him  this morning.

Harry's stomach churned at the thought. He had hoped it was some sort of mistake, but the reality sank in quickly. He was being forced to collaborate with Draco Malfoy, his former school rival, on what could be the most critical mission of his Auror career.

He forced a tight-lipped smile. "Lovely," he muttered, trying to hide his frustration.

The morning sun cast a golden hue over Diagon Alley as Harry stepped out of the Ministry of Magic, his Auror robes billowing lightly in the breeze. He had barely taken a few steps when he spotted Draco Malfoy striding towards him, a look of thinly veiled annoyance etched on his features.

"Potter," Draco greeted curtly, a roll of parchment clutched in his hand.

Harry nodded in acknowledgment. "Malfoy."

Draco stopped in front of him, his silver eyes glinting with a mixture of disdain and resignation. "I assume you've heard about our new assignment."

Harry sighed. "Unfortunately, yes. Can't say I'm thrilled about it."

Draco's lips twitched into a wry smile. "Believe me, the feeling is mutual. But it seems the higher-ups think we're the best team for the job."

Harry stifled a chuckle. "Best team? More like the most unlikely duo they could come up with."

Draco's smirk widened. "Agreed. Nevertheless, we have a mission to complete, Potter. And it's a rather important one."

Glancing down at the parchment, Harry scanned the details of their assignment. Dark artifacts had been surfacing throughout London, leaving a trail of chaos and destruction. The Ministry was desperate to find the source and put an end to it before more lives were lost.

"Looks like we're in for a rough ride," Harry remarked, grimacing at the thought.

Draco nodded, his expression serious for once. "Indeed. We should head to the scene of the latest incident and see what we can find."

With a resigned sigh, Harry followed Draco as they made their way to the Apparition point. Despite their mutual dislike, they both understood the gravity of the situation. Lives were at stake, and they were the only ones who could stop it.

The latest incident had occurred at a small wizarding pub nestled in a narrow alley. As they approached, they could see the aftermath—broken furniture, shattered glass, and terrified patrons.

Draco wrinkled his nose in distaste. "Another day, another disaster."

Ignoring the comment, Harry began questioning the pub owner and the witnesses, trying to piece together what had happened. To his surprise, Draco did the same, his sharp wit and keen observations proving valuable.

As they compared notes, a pattern emerged. The dark artifacts were linked to a notorious group of dark wizards rumored to have resurfaced. If their suspicions were correct, the group was back and more dangerous than ever.

"We'll need to gather more information," Harry said, his mind racing. "If we can track down any members of this group, we might be able to get closer to finding the source of these artifacts."

Draco nodded in agreement. "Agreed. I'll start looking into any leads we might have, while you—"

Before Draco could finish, a deafening explosion rocked the pub, sending debris flying. Harry and Draco ducked for cover, their wands drawn as they assessed the situation.

Hooded figures flooded the entrance, their wands raised and spells flying. Harry and Draco fought back-to-back, their movements synchronized as they battled the dark wizards.

But the odds were against them. The dark wizards were skilled and ruthless, and their numbers seemed endless. Harry could feel his energy waning, his muscles aching from the strain of constant dueling.

"We need to retreat," Draco shouted over the chaos. "There are too many of them."

Harry nodded, acknowledging the truth in Draco's words. Together, they fought their way to the nearest exit, narrowly avoiding curses and hexes.

"We're trapped," Harry said, his heart racing.

Draco scanned their surroundings, his mind racing. "Not necessarily. Follow me."

With that, Draco led Harry down a narrow side alley, weaving through the maze of buildings with practiced ease. They emerged onto a deserted street, the sounds of battle fading into the distance.

"Where are we going?" Harry asked, struggling to keep up with Draco's brisk pace.

Draco didn't answer, his focus locked on the task at hand. Finally, they reached a small, nondescript building tucked away at the end of the street. Draco pushed open the door and motioned for Harry to follow him inside.

The building was dimly lit, the air heavy with the scent of old books and parchment. Draco made his way to a cluttered desk in the corner, where a stack of parchment and quills lay waiting.

"We need to warn the Ministry," Draco said urgently, beginning to write a message.

Harry watched in silence as Draco wrote, realizing that despite their differences, Draco was proving himself to be a capable ally.

As Draco finished the message, he handed it to Harry. "Send this to the Ministry. They need to know what's happening."

Harry nodded, taking the parchment and hurrying to the fireplace in the corner. With a flick of his wand, he conjured flames and sent the message soaring into the fire.

As they waited for a response, Harry and Draco sat in tense silence, the weight of their situation pressing down on them.

Minutes passed like hours before a response finally came, a team of Aurors dispatched to their location to provide backup. Harry and Draco exchanged a look, a silent understanding passing between them.

With determination in their hearts and wands at the ready, Harry and Draco prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead. For in the fight against darkness, even the most unlikely of allies could become heroes.

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