Chapter 2

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POV: Freen

Vvvvvvvd... vvd...

Phone vibrating

"Mm... nh... ugh... it's too early for calls... damit... shit... you've gotta be kidding me... an emergency case at this hour?,, - I said with frustration in my voice

"Hmmnh..." - the pretty lady gave a sound from her.

Oh yeah, this is her place... I forgot i stayed over for the night. I don't even remember her name. I left her a note which said, "Thanks, I really had fun last night. I'll call you." And then left with my motorcycle.

At the hospital....

"Ah! Dr. Chankimha's here!,, - someone said while I entered the hospital

"We're sorry for calling you on such short notice. Doctor... there was an accident involving a tour bus-,, the nurse said

"It's fine. Give me tha patients chart.,, - I cut the nurse off from what she is saying

"Several people were injured in the crash- the majority of them need to undergo surgery immediately.,, - the nurse said

I took off my helmet from my motorcycle, handed her my jacket and my bag.While I was tying my hair up, the nurse gave me the patient's details. While I was tying my hair up, the nurse gave me the patient's details.

"The patients name is Paul, age 59. Male. He has a fractured skull. He sustained several lacerations across his body and other injuries in the crash. He's barely breathing.,, - The nurse said

"Okay! Get him into the or, stat.,, - I said

"Ah... okay...,, - she said and is now blushing

I don't know why she is so red. Do I look that attractive or what?

"Ohh... your clothes smell so nice, Doctor...!!,, - the nurse said

"Seriously...? Is now really the time for this!?,, - I said while scolding her
In the operating room....




"Suction, please,, - I said

"Doctor... his blood pressure is still dropping.,, - one of my assistants said to me

"I know... but I still haven't found the leak.,, - I said

But suddenly, the monitor is biping, his condition is getting worse.

"His condition is getting worse. Hand me the hemostat. Keep supplying administer the Levophed! There is too much bleeding... drain it.,, - I said

"His BP has gotten dangerously low, doctor.,, - one of my assistants said

"Doctor, he's gone into cardiac arrest!,, - the other assistants said

"God damn it!!! Don't do this to me, Paul... stay with me! Don't be a coward!,, - I said

"Shit!! We're losing him!! Someone get me the defibrillator!! I need 20 Joules!,, - I said

It didn't work. He is dead now, from his bad injuries that caused him into a cardiac arrest and then died.

"Haa.. h... haa... Haa... hfff...,, - i breathed in and out after the operation

"Oh, Dr. Chankimha. Sorry about all this. You've had it rough since the early morning. The entire hospital's gotten frantic because of the accident. Doctors... nurses... they're even calling in the off - duty staff. Your case in particular, though... the patient had already sustained serious injuries when he was wheeled in... and anyway, on top of that, he was well past his prime. You did the best you could.,, - Dr. Heng said

"Yeah... thanks. I'll be fine, Don't worry about it.,, - I said

"Come to think of it, I think I saw you at club, "Al" last night. I didn't think you were the type to enjoy that kind of atmosphere.,, - Dr. Heng said

"I have my days. I don't frequent it too often. Just if I need a break or when I'm feeling somewhat Adventures.,, - I said to him while I wash my hands.

"I like hanging out there, myself. Would you like to try going together one of these days? The more the merrier, as they say.,, - Dr. Heng said

"I appreciate the proposition. But I ride solo.,, - I said, as if i would go with him. I don't like him that way.

"Uhuh... guess the rumours really are true.,, - he said afterwards I went to get dressed.

This isn't the first time I've ended up in this sort of situation. The most trying time for me, as a doctor, isn't when I'm in the operating room.

Now, I need to tell Paul's family that he didn't survive because of the injuries he has.

"... hello. Are you here for Mr. Paul?,, - I asked the married pair

"Uh, yes, we're relatives of the patient. You were the one who operated on him, right?,, - the man asked

"Doctor, what's my father's condition?,, - the woman asked emotionally

"My sincerest condolences... we did everything to the best of our ability the patient was already in critical condition and had grave injuries on his torso, which gave way to serious blood loss.,, - I said with an emotionless face

The daughter of my patient started crying hard on the shoulder of her husband. Her husband told her it would be getting better and said smooth words to her to calm her down.

POV: Becky

A heartless woman burdened as the bringer of bad news... stone - faced... with cold eyes, completely devoid of emotions. But even with her cold expressions she is hot.

"Hmhm... now this is interesting.,, - I said
Be continued...


I hope you enjoyed reading.
Please vote and comment what I should do better, also what I did good. Next chapter Coming soon.

Your dear author 🌸

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