☆ Chapter 2 ♡

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Finally, I had gotten into my bed. Other Kakushis finally arrived to take over shifts and I could finally get my well deserved rest...or so I thought.

Knock, knock, knock.

I rub my eyes and sit up from my bed. "Who is it..?" I ask tiredly.

"It's just me!!" Aoi called through the door. "Can I come in?"

Aoi had seen me many a time out of uniform, so I didn't mind her coming in. "Yes, you can!"

She opens the door with a sympathetic look. She could tell I longed for sleep. "The sound Hashira refuses to see any Kakushi other than you I'm afraid.."

I roll my eyes. "What an asshole...I'll just get uniform on then.."

Aoi smiles apologetically before leaving so I can get dressed in private. Slipping into my clothes before putting on my hair covering and face mask. I hated the uniform, but it had to be worn.

As I approached Tengen's bedside grumpily, he gives me a sly smirk. "Hey there!~" He teases.

"What do you want?" I groan.

"I'm lonely." He shrugs.

I shoot him the sharpest glare. He's lonely? He woke me up because he's lonely? "Sir, its 5 o'clock in the morning..can't you sleep?"

He simply shrugs again. "I usually get up at 4am, I've been laying here for an hour on my own."

I stare blankly at him, was he being serious? "Couldn't you have called anyone else?"

He still had that annoyingly charming grin on his face. "I wanted to get to know you more, you seemed like quite the doll yesterday."

I sigh, I couldn't really do anything about it, I'd risk getting fired. I had to suck it up and keep this guy company. "Fine, I'll stay with you. Are you hungry? I assume you haven't had breakfast."

Tengen opened his mouth to say something, but then he seemed to change his mind. "Nah, I haven't had anything."

"What would you like?" I ask.

"Well, what's your favourite food?" He asks.

A weird request, but I tell him anyway. "(f/f) is my favourite, why?"

"That's what I want for breakfast, and be quick." He said in a demanding tone.

I nod and bow before I leave and walk off to the kitchen. I was extremely annoyed, but I have to do my job...no matter how damn early in the morning it is. The way he spoke to me wasn't the funny and cocky dude from yesterday, he was being rude and bossy. The way he demanded me to be
fast like that and the way he woke me up because I seemed like a 'doll' was totally unnecessary.

I prepared the requested meal as I had done so many a time before. My mouth watered as the delicious smell enchanted my nose. I absolutely loved (f/f). I would eat it everyday if I could, but sadly today its for Uzui, not me.

I carried the plate to Tengen's bedside and sat back down.

"Back already? That was fast." Tengen says, grinning like a cheshire cat. "Well, I don't even want it."

My jaw dropped so far that I wouldn't have been surprised if it hung below my face covering. He doesn't even want it? Who the actual hell does he think he is!? I clench my fists, and before I give him a scolding, he lifts the plate and puts it in my lap.

He had a raised eyebrow and a cheeky smile. "It's for you, since I got you up so early. You deserve to have your favourite food."

All my anger melts away and is soon replaced with a fluttering feeling in my stomach. Nobody has ever done that for me.."Er..thanks, but I can't eat it in front of you."

Tengen sighs. "Yes you can, I don't care how you chew, or whatever."

I shake my head. "No, silly. I can't because of my uniform. I'm not allowed to remove this face covering."

Tengen nods slowly. "Ok, I guess. Eat it later then." He says before he returns back to his usual, annoying self. "Will I be healed soon? I want to get out and fight with my buddy Kyojuro." He whines.

"The flame pillar? You guys are close?" I ask, curious about what it's like to be a Hashira.

Tengen smiles softly. Not a cocky smile this time, a genuine one. "Yes, Kyojuro. I'd say we are close. If anything ever happened him  I don't know what I'd ever do."

I watch him. He really seemed to adore Kyojuro Rengoku. Almost as if he was inspired by him. "That's nice, are you close with any of the other Hashiras?"

He shrugs. "Meh, some are chill, others are annoying as shit. Especially Giyu. Nobody likes Giyu."

I chuckle slightly. "Oh stop that, Giyu is very nice! I think him and Kocho are close, no?"

Tengen let's out another one of his iconic belly laughs, tears of delight sparkling in his eyes. "Shinobu Kocho and Tomioka Giyu? Close? Hell no! She's always taking the absolute piss out of him, it's hilarious!"

I sigh. "People must like him though, right? Just because he's lonely doesn't mean he's a cruel person."

Tengen shakes his head. "I actually did respect him, until he got a demon into the corps.."

I felt myself freeze. "What...there's a demon fighting alongside swordsmen...?"

Tengen raises an eyebrow. "You didn't know?"

I shake my head, unable to get a word out.

"Hm, she's called Nezuko. Her brother is called Tanjiro Kamado. Both lunatics is what I say, too young and crazy to know the difference between right and wrong." Tengen says, annoyance in his tone. "The worst part is that the master approves of it!"

I'm even more shocked to hear this. "The master knows!? And he approves!?"

Tengen nods. "I know, total balls. But we can't argue with him, he's our saviour, almost like a father to us."

I fully agreed with that. Master Kagaya was so kind and pure. He's always patient, no matter how urgently he needs something. He's saved and changed many lives. Anybody who doesn't adore him may be worse than the demon king himself.

Uzui and I kept talking and laughing with one another till the sun rose, and I, unfortunately, was back on duty.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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