Chapter 20

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A/N: The outfits are up above! I made it myself!! Guys! How do you put Gifs in your chapters!!!!!!? Comment below please?!

Ruby's P.O.V.

"Are you guys ready?" I yelled out.

"Yeah, I think so." Casey answered.

"We need to leave now people." I say.

"Okay okay done!" Josselin finishes.

"We're using our shitty can huh?" Hayley asked.

"Well yeah." I replied. "I'll be the one driving anyways."

"True, I really gonna miss Michael." Josselin sighs getting into the car.

"Yeah, yeah." I roll my eyes heading to the guys house.

"Let me out, open the door." Hayley said.

"No! None of you are leaving you are going to end up missing your boo thangs and I don't have time for that. I want to sleep. Okay, I'm getting out."

"But, me and Luke are just friends." Casey whines.

"I don't give a flying pig's ass. Stay inside." I say heading out and locking the door.

"Flying pig's ass?" Josein says laughing.

"Yes, now stay inside children."

"Bitch!" Hayley yells as I flipped her off. I then knocked out the door.

"Oh, hey." Luke says hugging me for a while.

"Hey! You said we can't do anything like that!" Casey yells from the car.

"Shut up!" I yell. "Okay my other children, there will be no kissing here. Do it in the car or at the airport, I don't have time for that."

"Why?" Calum furrowed his eyebrows.

"Hey! Hey Asian man you can not interrupt me like that."

"I'm not Asian though."

"Like I said earlier I don't give be a flying pig's ass."

"What?" Calum asked as the other guys laughed.

"Calvin get in the car, and take your friends with you." I say extending my arm, or pointing at the van you could also say, trying my best not to laugh. I mean come on I called him Calvin the Asian.

"Okay but just to piss you off I'm going to make out with Andrea." Calum smirked.

"You little fucker." I say as he laughs.

"I call shot gun!" Ashton screams as we all pack into the car.

"You can all make out now!" I yell starting the ignition, and as I said that they proceeded to making out.

"Jesus." I whispered.

"Same." Ashton laughed.

"Yeah." I smiled awkwardly. I don't know why I'm being really awkward maybe it's because I do like Ashton.

"Hey, um Daniella?" Ashton questions.

"Yeah?" I ask slight turning my head since I'm fucking driving.

"Um, did you think about what I said last night?"

"Yeah, I have."

"Then? What did you decide on?" He asks.

"You'll find out later. I really need to focus on not crashing here." I laugh.

"Yeah, that's a good idea actually." Ashton smiles as he shifts in his seat.

"Guys! I think you should get air!" I yell throughout the car to all the couples making out. It didn't work.

"Yeah I'm gonna throw up in this car." Ashton says as he pretends to gag.

"No! Not in my car. Plus we're here guys!" I yell as they finally stop. Ah the advantages of living close to the Airport.

"Jeez you ruined the mood." Calum whined.

"You'll see each other again don't worry children." I sigh putting the car in park.

"Hey Daniella, help me with this luggage." Michael whines.

"I drove here sorry. Oh and here's your passports." I say handing the boys their passports.

"Wait why do you have them?" Michael asks.

"Because you can't be trusted with them, and Ashton gave them to me." I explain.

"Oh." Michael says.

"Who did you think had them?"

"I dunno our tour manager." Michael answers as we all laugh.

We all headed to the gates where the boys were going to go through security, that's where they leave. I had to think. Everyone was saying there goodbyes. I hugged all the boys saving Ashton for last. What am I gonna do? I like him! I do! I want him to know!

"Bye Daniella, before I go could I know your answer do you like me back? If it's bad news just hug me and say nothing. I don't want to be all sad on tour." Ashton sighs looking down waiting for my answer.

I went in for a hug. I then connected our lips. This felt right. Like really right. This was a good kiss. I don't know why I pushed Ashton away I could've had this a long time ago. We finally pulled away when, we heard the boy clapping and saying "whoo!"

"Wow! Ash you made it. You got that kiss, after chasing her for months. Slow claps for you Irwin." Calum smiles laughing.

"Shut up." Ashton says as I laugh.

"We have to go." Luke says as everyone has their final good byes.

"Bye Ash. Hope I answered your question." I smile hugging him and giving him a peck one last time.

We watched them pass security, and waved as they faded away.

"I feel so sad now." Hayley states.

"Shut we're going to their shows in Australia and Irvine. Chill out, stop being dramatic." Casey rolls her eyes.

"Wow! Ms. Cranky pants needs to chill out." Josselin laughs referring to Casey.

"I think we need food on our system." I laughing as we walk out and hear a ring from Hayley's phone. She answers and it's Calum, of course.

"Oh my god!" We all said in unison including the other boys. She was on speaker.

"You guys are rude!" Hayley yells at us and Luke, Ashton, and Michael.

Oh that girl. I swear her and Calum love each other too much, it could be a good and bad thing.

A/N: Guys I'm back and will be updating every week hopefully!! Live you!! WE REACHED 1K!!!!! I'm crying!~Ruby<3

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2015 ⏰

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