Author's Note

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Hey all! I've been a lurker on Wattpad for a time now. Typically, my choice in books tends to veer towards werewolf stories, and while I hope to one day write my own, this particular story will not be a werewolf one.

It's based on a weird dream I had recently (I have a lot of weird dreams), and I'll be drawing on my somewhat limited, but steadily growing knowledge of Cults to keep things as believable as possible.

Content warning: This story includes sensitive topics, including sexual, mental, and physical abuse. The abuse is mostly directed towards women, but may include animals and children (in regards to mental and physical abuse). This is a story about a Cult, and as with a large majority of the Cults we love to hear about, there's weird sex shit going on, and a lot of abuse of power.

If you or anyone you know is experiencing abuse, please seek help. You deserve better. I've been there (not near to the extent of what will be in this story, or what's in many peoples' personal stories), and I know it's easy to brush the behaviours and actions of your abuser off. No one is ever the Villian in their own story, but don't use that rationale to allow them to continue to do or manipulate things in a negative or harmful way for you.

Now that the nitty gritty, serious stuff has been covered...

I'm just getting back into writing, so if you notice any grammar or spelling errors, please reach out in the comments or by PM. My weaknesses tend to be incorrect use of punctuation, so that's something I'll be working on throughout the story. I'm really bad with dashes, semi-colons, colons, and even commas, so if something seems off, please let me know. Additionally, maintaining my tenses is a challenge I'm working on. I tend to prefer writing in a past tense but sometimes switch to present, so I'll try and keep on that.

Otherwise, I hope you enjoy the adventure we're about to take together!

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