Chapter 3 - Rose

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Once we get to the car I buckle Winter and Will in. Normally I would let them do it because they are both becoming very independent, but we are already running a little late, and Hayden, my middle child, is a very sensitive kid. 

Plus I have to talk to his teacher to see if he is talking a little more in school.

I got an email last night while I was working from Mr. Gareth informing me about Hayden not talking enough in class. I told him last night that their Dad was picking them up today and if we could discuss it at a different time. But I guess things change. 

When I was on my way to get Winter and Will I sent him a quick text through Siri informing him of the change of pickup and that we could discuss it today since I was picking him up.

Hayden has got it through his mind that the fewer words he says the better. He talks to me just fine but with others? he prefers the silence better. I completely understand. 

Xavier hates it though, because whenever it is his weekend, Hayden straight up refuses to talk to him. 

Cameron told me once they step foot in his house, Hayden goes straight to his room and locks the door without speaking a word to his father or Cherry. Cameron being an amazing big brother brings his dinner and snacks to his room and Hayden only opens the door to their secret knock that Cameron changes all the time for him. Ever since the one time Xavier eased dropped one time on their secret knock to make Hayden open the door. 

After that, apparently, Cameron yelled at him about respecting Hayden's privacy and boundaries, he doesn't even try anymore now, according to Cameron. 

As much as I could care less about how much Hayden talks to his father, it's becoming a little issue in school.

I start the car up and put a movie on in the back of the headrest for the twins to stay busy while I drive and head to BMS (Billings Middle School). The traffic seems to be on my side and notice that I'm in a rush because I have made every green light with 5 minutes to spare as I pull into the waiting line where the other parents in their cars wait for the student to get out.

With those few minutes to spare and the twins watching their movies in the back, I grab my laptop from my bag and pull up the court dates on the website of the Billings Courthouse. As I scroll to see who's got cases I see the name I despise, DeLuca

He apparently is trying to get a man to go to prison for starting a fire in his place of work for the insurance money. 

DeLuca is corrupt to no fault and works under the mayor. More importantly a big pain in my ass. He loves to show off his money and as there is nothing wrong with that, it's how he got the money that makes me sick to my stomach.

Ever since I learned the truth about the Blackfords and the schemes that take place behind the scenes, not to mention the amount of people they have hurt. I am appalled at how Xavier can defend them. Let alone work for them and take their money. But, then again, he knows what they do, which is how I found out about the illegal side of the Blackford's businesses.

I am getting lost in my mind when I see from the corner of my eye Hayden walking outside with his teacher. I sighed knowing this was coming, but still slightly nervous. 

I pull up more towards the entrance of BMS and pull off a little to the side so the other parents can drive up and get their kids while having enough space to get out of the school's parking lot.

I keep the car running as I put it in park and turn to look behind me in my seat to tell Winter and Will" I'm gonna talk to your brother's teacher real quick. You two just watch your movies or go on the iPads. Okay? If you need anything just roll down the window on Will's side okay?" and without looking at me because they are too engrossed with their movies they just both give me a thumbs up.

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